Nicknames for Baby Theo-

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Nicknames they gave Baby Theo-

Blair Moon - "Berry-dosia"

Red Moon - "Fruity"

Yellow Sun - "Golden Berry"

Paint - "Tangerine"

Exe - "Ginger"

Shade - "Child"
(look she's very simplistic-)

Novel - "Bouncy spice"

Magenta - "Lil Berry"

Fright - "Cookie"

Leah - "Pup"

Deana - "Kid"

Topaz - "Fire Opal"

Red Sun - "Spitfire"

Midnight - "Little Starshine"

Gold - "Sunshine"

Black - "Little one"

Tammy - "Kiddo"

Dragon - "Cheeseball"

Karma - "Tiny"

Cide - "Pumpkin Pie"

That's all the nicknames for Theo when she was a kid- from all the people she was with in her childhood-

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