Oh?- Inked Revival headcanons?-

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Haven't done these in a while-

Well- let's get to it!

These aren't canon btw- Unless proven otherwise-


- He can and will walk, run, jump and beat someone's ass in heels and/or platform boots (*cough* Cup *cough*-)

- Book nerd book nerd book nerd-

- He has... concerning taste-

- By that, I mean he has called Cup and Mug's dad hot-

- I like to think he has some cartoony powers since he's a toon. Like a random anvil comes out of nowhere and drops on the villain's head-

- problem is, It's at random, he can't just use it whenever he wants-

- A great dancer

- Very good with kids

- But will croak up when a weird question is asked-

"Where do babies come from?"


- Also surprisingly good at ice skating

- gets uncomfortable in dark spaces alone

- Yeah he's smart, natural mechanic, but he's somehow also reckless as shit-

- He can craft a whole ass plane and still won't get what "You'll get in danger" means-

- He most likely runs on coffee and minimal sleep

- He made most of Boris' toys (Like little cars, trains, etc.). I will die on this hill.


- He has a natural talent for instruments, his favorite is the banjo though

- He's more laid back and sassy with people he's comfortable with, for example, that one cartoon where Boris just steals and eats Bendy's sandwhich while he's rIGHT THERE-

- Since he's also a toon, he has those weird cartoony shenanigans as well, just more on the defensive side i guess??

- Like a perfectly aimed shot, he can comedically step aside and dodge that shit-

- This is also on random, so he still has to be careful

- He's more on the quiet side, so it took him a while to get used to Mugman's more loud energy

- He also doesn't like dark places alone

- He likes learning about a lot of stuff, ranging from Mug's facts about herbs, Mechanics, to Cup's weird knowledge of memorized guns-

- He can be really loud if he wants to, since wold howls and all that-

- Him and Bendy have done little shows for Parisa and Warden before when they were younger

- He's just a really tired wolfy-

Cuphead & Mugman:

- Cups tried making more potions for him and Mugs to have more bullet options, but that didn't go so well-

- Cuphead and Mugman also have cartoony shenanigans, but they can conrtol them-

- Cups can just pull out a fucking canon at any time while Mugs can somehow survive a 1000 feet drop-

- Though it gets tiring, so they try to use it as a last option

- Cup is visibly so awkward around children while Mugs adores them-

- They have all the charms and bullets, takes them a while though to join the battle though

- They need to determine which charm and bullets are the best for this boss- I mean enemy-

- They're gods at dodging- They still get hit here and there but they always end up the least injured

- Well- Mugman atleast-

- Elder Kettle never swore around them, only used substitute words, they also picked up that habit

- A bit more rare on Cup's end-

- They both do puns accidentally, either at great times or worse times-

- Like I said, Cup has a weird tging goin' on, He memorizes every single firearms there is-

- Mugs is more on the strategy, they can memorize every good strategy there is, whether that be actual battle or not-

- They're both deathly nervous around babies

- Never ask them how their anatomy works

- They'll get into a personal crisis and start brainstorming a shit ton of ideas

- They also run on coffee

- literally

- They both lift.

- That's all I'm gonna share.

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