9 1 0

Theo: How'd you deal with all this trauma?

Deana: I will call Karma.

Theo: Oh, that's beautiful, man—

Deana: I'll call Karma a bitch.

Theo: Oh—


Leah: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.


(After a mission lmao-)

Cross, high off of meds: Did the doctor send you?... Man, you are eye candy♡~

Ellia: Pft- hehehehe♡

Cross: Wow!

Ellia: I'm gonna be right here with you, you eat the cracker—

Cross: Who are you?-

Ellia: [Snickers]

Cross: What's your name? -w-

Ellia: My name's Ellia, I'm your wife♡

Cross: you're MY wife?!-

Ellia: Pft- yeah?-

Cross: holy shit—

Ellia: Pft- Hahahahaahh!

Cross: Daamn—


(They can't handle their spicy food-)

Leah: MY GOD— DAYM— omg- sweating- I'm amyuushd sweating—

Shire: I lost my vision—

Leah: He lost his vision- how many fingers am I holding?- [Flipping him off-]

Shire: Ten—

Leah: oh shit he did—


Error: The multiverse is cruel and unfeeling.

Exe: All bunch of lifeless and useless copies of the original, that's why we need to destroy 'em.

Torment: Was that place out of chocolate again?


Dust: Everyone, calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults!

Killer: So, we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?

Dust: Obviously. Now, Horror, pass the shovel.


Gold: No! They stole OUR kids! I mean, who DOES that?!

Gold: [Points at Dream] Have you ever stolen anyone's children? Huh?

Gold: [Points at Ink] Have you??

Gold: [Points at Black] I mean you look like you would—


(On Call-)

Swap: Bro, you're not coming today?

Error: Nah, I don't really feel like it. I'm staying at the antivoid.

Swap: damn, today wasn't the day?

Error: Yup. I'll come tomorrow, but I'm not coming today.

Swap: yeah, I understand, but Paint came today—

Error, who's suddenly there: where she at?-

Swap: WHAT THE— Where you just came from?!—

Error: Don't worry about it. Where she at?—


Theo: Is that star... Screaming?—

Outer, who's used to zero gravity and just fell off a cliff: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA—


(Arc 1, fighting or something-)


Exe: [appeared in his peripheral vision for 5 seconds—]

Ink: Oh! Hey mamà~—


Error404, high af: Why be sad... When you can just be g o n e — [Dissipates]


Theo: I got my dad's humor!-

Yesenia: I got my father's smile!

Gold: I got my dad's eyes!

Deana: I got his smoking addition.


Dust: There's no need to be afraid of me, I don't bite.

Birch: Yeah, but do you stab.

Dust: ... I don't bite.


Ellia: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!

Black: Yeah, but breaking his legs will keep him away for six to eight weeks.

Ellia: BLACK, NO—


Dust: Dandelion, is it day or night?

Dandelion, for some reason: ... Eeeuughhh— [Proceeded to sob—]


Skivan: The only paper we have is made from salami, which is round, paper is not round.

Swap: .. Yes, it'll work— Ink! Stop eating the plan!—


Torment: It's becoming increasingly obvious.

Torment: I can't deny it any longer.

[images of Black and Ebony (Maybe Shade 👀)—]

Torment: I have a type.—

Reluctant Random Book 4Where stories live. Discover now