Headcanons AND Memes?!-

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Ehe- let's get on with the headcanons- this is gonna be a mix of Inked Revival and Undertale AUs- cus' yes—

- No one shall ever interrupt Mugs while he's reading. Sure you can talk to him a few times, but if you keep disturbing him, he's actually gonna try to murder you like in TCS.

- Only Cori and maybe Cup are safe from this.

- Cup still says his "Eh, I ain't to worried about it" line, just not as much as when he was a kid-

- Elliott can and will talk to the fourth wall at any time, the funny thing is, everyone notices and get so confused—

- Also mentions people that aren't even from that universe to confuse them more-

- Cup still has rockets. Fight me.

- Mugs has sharp teeth-

- Cori and Cala Maria have girlboss talks every once in a while-

- Elliott definitely has been to Sugarland and somehow made friends with The (Baroness)

- Cori also has cat habits like bapping a glass of water off of the table but she resists the urge-

- Unless it's Cuphead's glass—

- Other than whittling and sculpting wood, Karma absolutely slays electric guitars-

- Deana can play piano, she just doesn't do it that often anymore

- Yesenia and Raegan are cousins

- Deana definitely has a type when it comes to femme preference- redhead, sweetheart or fucking both-

- Kind of like Exe, Paint has glass shards fused into her.

- When Exe dies, she melts like molten metal. And when Paint dies, she shatters into a million pieces, like a mirror.


Elliott: *Eating his pancakes in peace*

Aru: *Fingers on her head* Blows up pancakes with mind—

Elliott: My fuckin' pancakes— *eXPLODED-*


Cori: You guys have issues.

Cup: OF COURSE WE HAVE ISSUES!! *Points at Mojito*

Mojito: *Shooting like a final boss battle—*



Killer: You ask us questions, and we answer them!

Torment: It's easy, go.

Exe, who's new and absolutely no filter yet: Why don't you guys have brothers?

Torment: Whoa—


Cori, who just got off of work: Phew..

Mugs: Cori!

Cori: Mugs?-

Mugs: Oh boy smooching time!— *tACKLES-*


Cups: You're not stupid, Elliott..

Me: No, I am actually. I still struggle with pronouncing Melanie Martinez—


Deana: Oh Em Gee, that was SO funny. Let me laugh.

Yesenia: ...

Deana: JUST KIDDING. It wasn't funny. Aaand you are gay—

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