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Cups: Do you know what question I get asked most often is?

Bendy: "Will you please leave the premises?"


Bendy: Sure you may be verified on Twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of Boris?


Elliott: Hey, Hey Cori- look what I have!

Cori: What?

Elliott: *flashes Lightening McQueen Crocs by kicking his leg up in the air*

Cori: ...

Elliott, quietly: kachow


Elliott: I'm the kind of guy who likes to think things through-

Cori: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow while it was on fire.


*Demon training-*

Mugs: Oh jeez... I think we just killed Bendy!

Cups: No, you didn't. He's just bleeding internally and being a little baby about it.

Cup, kicking Bendy: Get up.


Elliott: *Sneaking into the hotel room with a huge coat*

Boris: What's in the coat?

Coat: *A little raccoon tail pops out from it*



Elliott: Drugs–


Elliott: There is nothing worse than eating a really soft grape!-


Elliott: ...

Elliott: Have you ever eaten a soft grape?-


Cori: You have the right to remain silent.

Cups: Do I have the ability, though?


Cori: What is red and bad for your teeth?

Aru: A brick.

Elliott: Well she's not wrong–


(This could got vise versa-)

Cori: You're cute when you're angry.

Mugs: Then I'm about to get really fucking adorable.–


Boris: Would you rather kill Cup or–

Bendy: Yes, kill him.

Boris: I didn't even say–

Bendy: I don't need to hear it.

Cups: I'm feeling a little unsafe–


Cups: Alright fine! You're cooler than me!

Cori, smirking: I knew it.

Cups: But you know what that means, right?

Cori: ...?

Cups: It means I'm hotter than you.


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