woah- hahas-

8 1 0

Axel: Lmao- when I was a kid, I was actually scared of those Bratz dolls! I dunno what was wrong with me—

Nyein: Misogynist!—


Deana: Having fun? Whore.

Karma: Yeah, thanks man—


Classic: but if i WAS a tree, you know what I would be?

Swap: A pine tree?

Classic: ... tree-mendous!—

Swap: You need help.

Blaire: Don't hate him just for goin' out on a LIMB!-

Swap: Stop.


Swap: N O .


Swap: I can't— where's my wife—


Cyrus: Why do you want to bite people?

Cole: Some of you deserve it.

RM: Go for the jugular—

Fell: HON—


Creme: I love you..

Karma, back when she was in prison and planned on making a public execution by herself: Yikes.—


Gold: I will cast a spell so you can have a good day!


Midnight: It is done!

Black: Burn the witch.—


Dust: My mental illness is somehow my fault.

Horror: Mental illness can happen to anyone because the human body is a fucked up mess.

Killer: God had to nerf me because I was too powerful!—


XChara: I hate setences.

Theo: Bro you just made one?-

XChara: I'm just hitting letters if you think I said something that's on you—


Elli: U can control white people by giving them cheese!

Gal: But cheese is so good though?-

Elli: I got one!—


Razz: Excuse me, miss! Have you ever been arrested?~

Raegan: Yeah, how could you tell?

Razz: I was gonna say it's illegal to be that cute.

Razz: But now I'm curious??

Raegan: Illegal making and use of bombs.—


Tammy: What the fuck, people actually tell their crushes they like them???

Karma: What the hell do YOU do?—

Tammy: I dunno I die? What kinda question...—


Birch: PTSD? You got pussy taste speldiferous disorder??

Theo: I don't even know what to say here.

Theo: You know what. Yes, I do got pussy taste speldiferous disorder.


Fright: How about respecting worms.


Error: I'm so upset.

Ink: Why, what happened?

Error: Shut the fuck up.

Ink: Okay girl, fuck you, stay upset, I hope your day gets worse like actually—


Shire: Garfield could eat me son

Leah: For clarification, you're saying he has the capability? Or that you'd be cool with it?




Shire: Hi~<3


Deana: *slaps a "For Sale" sticker on Karma* Slut for Sale, only 10 cents.

Killer: She's worth more than that!

Deana: Eleven cents.—


Axel: Ughh... *Sits up after being possessed* I got too silly.


Theo: *Falls in the shower* AGH FUCK—

Theo, trying to be more upbeat: Parkour.—


Theo: *sobbing-*

Theo: *pats their own shoulder* It's gonna be okay dumb bitch—


Theo: My phone's at 1 percent.. *sighs*

Yesenia: F.

Paint: Eat it!-

Gold: Charge it—


Torment: Aren't you supposed to be asleep?

Cross: I dunno-

Cross: I'm supposed to be a lot of things, but I live to disappoint :]


Jasper: I may be a bonehead but at least I can understand Donald Duck-

Sunberry: Like verbally or emotionally? :D


Epic: Dearly bruhloved, we are swaggered here today to join these two bros in holy matrihomie—


Tammy: Fuck your zodiac sign! What's your favorite Minecraft wood??

Birch: I love the cow wood!

Leah: Bless her.

Raegan: Birch?

Birch: Yeah, that's my name?—

Theo: Who you callin' a bitch 🤨


Exe: You fucked up.

Paint: I don't know what you're referring to but probably!—


Blake: *inhales*

Blake: Ok, listen.

Blake: You're vibes were off to apple bee's.


TK! Sans: Don't bring a knife to a knife fight!

Jikan: Yeah, bring a gun!—

TK! Sans: Don't even go, everyone there has knives— wait what?


Theo: *Laughing at something*

Theo: Haha! Ok, back to suffering.


Shire: I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not gonna be honest with you—


Blake: I'm not broke, I'm pre-rich—


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