SSA Uniform/s

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"Is this thing on? It is? Ah, okay. Ahem. Hello there! I'm _ _ _ _ _ Evermore. The principal of SSA!

SSA is short for "Sacred Soul Academy". A high school that's located in XXXXXXXX

An all girl school (Demi girls and non binary peps are allowed in)

SSA is pretty colorful with their uniform designs, the color of the uniform being the soul color of the student. The very culmination of their being.

And make sure the students are comfortable in their own skin. What type of school would we be if they didn't have their students comfortable in their uniform?

These are mannequins, so all of the uniforms aren't that colorful- this is just a demonstration on what they look like and why it looks like that. And multiple other things.

Let's start with the main uniforms.

Let's start with the main uniforms

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Students have the freedom to choose if they want to wear pants or skirts

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Students have the freedom to choose if they want to wear pants or skirts. And add accessories as much as they want! As long as the staff can still see the hair pin or the brooch (the white heart there)

If they lost theirs, they can go to any staff and ask for another one. Completely free.

The hair pin, along with the uniform, are the color of the student's soul. And for mixed souls, that just means more color!

Don't worry, the designers make sure the colors look good together, changing the hue and getting creative with the patterns.

Uniform for the winter!

Unless the student really likes the cold, this is the uniform to keep the students warm

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Unless the student really likes the cold, this is the uniform to keep the students warm. Student's choice whether they want to wear a skirt, but I'm telling you, it is cOLD—

They give the student a jacket and scarf along with the rest of the uniforms when they enroll, it isn't only restricted to winter only. They can wear them as much as they want.

Summer uniform!

Summer uniform!

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Ah, the season where it gets hot as fuck

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Ah, the season where it gets hot as fuck. These uniforms are given to students that want to take summer classes with them, and when it's just hot in general. They give you an entirely different shirt for that, since the neck ties on the original one can definitely get hot. Who wants a sweaty neck???

They also give you shorts! Yay!

These are also not restricted to summer and hot weathers. Go wild.

Oh! And for students who don't feel comfortable with showing their arms because of the short sleeves, it also comes with gloves. It comes with the rest of the uniforms. Long ones, fingerless ones, etc. Even fish nets if they wanna be stylish with 'em.

And lastly, the student council!

And lastly, the student council!

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It's almost like the main one, but with the addition of a sash, a different hair pin and that little collar? at their shoulders. I apologize I forgot what they were called.. silly me-

The sash has the student council members' names on it. The hair pin has a small, gold marking on it. The marking can be anything, student's choice. Aaasss long as it isn't inappropriate. No putting dicks on the hair pins. No matter how funny it is-

The student council members are free to not wear the accessories, it's not like they're suddenly not a member anymore when they take it off.

Aaaannddd that's all! Hope you enroll here at Sacred Soul Academy! End log."

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