
11 1 7

Karma, pulling away from the most mutilated corpse of her father: Am I going too far?

Karma's mother: oh no no no, you went far about seven hours ago, now you're going to prison.

Karma: What was that, mutt?

Karma's mother: ... Nothing, s-sweetie.


[Leaving their groups alone]

Gold: I'm leaving the house, don't break anything!

Black: Don't kill yourselves.



Deana: Hah.

Shire: Woah woah woah! You wouldn't hit a woman, would you?


Killer: That's a woman?—

Killer: Also yeah I would hit a woman—


Shire: [Sniffles, pretending to be upset as he points to what Leah is eating] vegan chilli.

Leah: hm?

Shire: [Points to her drink] Bubble tea that looks like champagne.

Leah: ??

Shire: [Points to her other snack] Gluten free quesadillas.

Leah: Pft-

Shire: [Points to her] Plastic tits—

Leah: [cHOKES—]

Shire: What is happening?!—


Blake: Your momma Soooo-

Dandelion: [Sniffs] My mother. Is so. Cool :[[[



Theo: [Pans the camera to Blake] "I wanna be a yo-yo man!" he cried. "Make me a yo-yo man!"

Theo: [Turns it to a zoned out Axel playing with a yo-yo] But the yo-yo master did not answer. He just kept on yo-ing.


Nyein: When I first came out as a lesbian to my dad, he was extremely supportive. Maybe a little bit confused. He was like-


Fresh: Bunbun! It looks like you threw me for a loop and now you're going to grow up to be a papa!-

Nyein: Dad- that is not what it means-

Fresh: I know it was unforeseen but it's cool, cause I was- really running out of things to talk to you about- Haha! Very close to only communicating with you via pats on your back.

Nyein: Dad i- Pft- I am not going to be a papa. I'm just a girl who likes girls.

Fresh: If you don't want me to get confused, then why you got almost the same fit as me? Y'know, now we both look almost the same- I don't even know which one of us is the real papa!-

Fresh: Where's your mother by the way? She told me she was going to a horse tornado. I don't even ask anymore.

Nyein: I believe she took Ansel to a carousel at the mall today.

Fresh: Ahh, is that the horse tornado? My bestie dumb as heck—

[Flash back end]

Nyein: ... Actually, he was probably messing with me.

Reluctant Random Book 4Where stories live. Discover now