I accompany Parker down to the school hallways. It's filled with people my age, I've never seen so many teens gathered in one spot.

I look down at the small piece of paper, explaining everything I need to know, from locker numbers to classrooms. I thanked Parker for walking with me and left. My locker was in an entirely different direction than his.

I put away most of my books just packing the ones I need for the first period. 

"Oh, you must be new here, aren't you?!"

I close my locker door, seeing an older female standing and waiting for a response. She looks like the typical preppy high schooler.

"Oh, uh- uh yeah. I just moved back to Queens with my family. I'm Y/N Danvers."

"I'm Liz, Liz Allen. That's interesting-" She thinks this fake act is holding up, I can see through everything."-what do you think about that... Hey Y/N, are you even still here?"

"Uh sorry, I zoned out, could you repeat that...?"

"Would you like a tour around the school?"

"Oh yes, please! I will get lost if isn't for this tour."

And so Liz took me to each class for each of my subjects, they aren't that far apart it doesn't seem like I'll have too much trouble getting around.

"Thank you so much! I owe you one." I thank her, and I place my hand on the back of my head to seem a bit more genuine.

"Oh, it's no problem, if you need anything don't be afraid to ask!" She explains, after that she left.

The bell rang for the first period and I made my way there. On the way there I passed Peter and someone who seemed to be one of his friends.

"What! No way that's awesome Ned, how many pieces-" Peter asked.

 "Ok, so about that lego death star, can we build it tonight?" The boy Peter called Ned answers. 

"Not tonight, I'm busy tonight. I have the Stark internship-" he rambles. What are the Stark internships, when did Dad start that...

I shake it off and enter the class. I took my seat at the back. The rest of the students flood in and take their seats. The teacher, Ms. Warren, tried to quiet down the class. The lesson is underway. She scribbles on the board a few graphs and asks around the class for answers.

"How do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B..." 

Isn't this what the Doctor tried to teach me in the last lesson we had...

A boy a few seats in front of me raises his hand confidently. She addresses him as Flash, seems like quite the unique character if you ask me.

"It's the product of the sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass." He answers confidently.

"Nope." Ms. Warren affirms.

Another hand goes up, but Ms. Warren calls out a student who is having difficulty focusing on the lecture, "Peter. You still with us?" Wait, is Parker in my class. I didn't even notice how the shy boy was sitting right in front of me.

He shuts the computer that was more important than this class, "Uh... Uh... Yeah, yeah."

"Ok, then what's the answer, Peter?"

His attention is drawn to the graphs on the board. 

"Uh... Mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine."

"Right. See, Flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong." Ms. Warren laughs. This small joke made an entire rupture in class, the class broke out in laughter.

The Blue Siren (Spider-Man x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now