Future Nebula is alone in a dark and dingy prison cell, her face illuminated only by the faint glow of a nearby security light. She sits on the cold, hard floor, her head bowed and her eyes closed, lost in thought. Suddenly, the sound of metal on metal interrupts her solitude as the doors to her cell ratchet open. She flinches and squints into the shadows, trying to make out who or what is approaching.

"What do you want?" she groans, her voice betraying her weariness and resignation.

As the figure steps closer, Nebula can see that it is her sister, Gamora, dressed in her sleek and deadly assassin's attire. The two women lock eyes and stare at each other for a long moment, both lost in their own thoughts and memories.

"In the future, what happens to you and me?" Gamora finally breaks the silence, her voice echoing off the cold, damp walls.

Nebula's face hardens as she recalls their tumultuous relationship.

"I try to kill you. Several times. But eventually, we become friends. We become sisters," Nebula spits out the words with bitterness and anger.

Gamora's expression softens slightly, and she steps closer to Nebula, holding out her hand in a gesture of peace and reconciliation.

"That's hard to believe," she says, her voice gentle and probing.

Nebula lets out a humorless chuckle.

"A lot of things that happen will be hard to believe," she replies, her voice laced with sarcasm and bitterness.

After a tense moment, Nebula reaches out and grasps Gamora's hand, her eyes meeting her sister's with a mixture of reluctance and hope.

Meanwhile, in the underground garage, the chaos and destruction continue to escalate. Bruce struggles to hold up the collapsing ceiling, his muscles bulging and his face contorted in agony. Rhodey clings desperately to a nearby pipe, his eyes fixed on Bruce as he tries to summon the strength to keep them both alive.

Rocket finally emerges from the murky water, gasping for air and coughing up bits of debris. He looks around frantically, trying to assess the situation and figure out a way to escape.

"No good. Couldn't even find a hole small enough to abandon you through," he quips, his words dripping with sarcasm and jokes.

Suddenly, the ceiling drops another foot, causing Bruce to snarl in pain and frustration as his legs buckle under the weight. He sets his jaw and straightens his legs, summoning every last bit of strength he has left to hold up the debris and keep Rhodey alive.

The compound rights itself with a violent jolt, the ground shaking beneath their feet as the walls and ceiling readjust to their proper positions. A raging river flows through the ruins, carrying debris and wreckage along with it. After a beat, Scott zooms past, riding a plastic bottle cap like a makeshift raft.

"MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" Rhodey repeats over the coms, his voice filled with panic and desperation.

"HANG ON! I'M COMING!" Scott yells back, his voice determined and resolute as he continues on his perilous journey.

In the dimly lit access tunnel, the frantic sounds of shrieking Outriders chasing after Clint echo through the tight space. With quick precision, Clint affixes arrow-charges to the walls as he runs, always staying one step ahead of the alien creatures. Just as they are about to overtake him, Clint hits a button on his bow, detonating the charges and bringing the roof down on top of the Outriders in a thunderous crash. Rolling out of harm's way, Clint quickly regains his footing and hears the sound of something or someone tumbling down the vertical shaft ahead. Reacting on instinct, he dodges just in time as Nat falls into view.

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