- 5 Years Prior -
- Earth -

As we step off the Avengers spacecraft, the weight of our defeat sits heavily on my shoulders. I glance around at the devastation that Thanos left in his wake - the crumbled buildings, the overturned cars, the scattered debris. The once-bustling city now lies in ruins, and it's hard to believe that only hours ago, we were fighting for our lives against an intergalactic warlord.

But my thoughts are interrupted by my father's voice, sharp and accusatory. "It's all your fault," he spits, his frail body leaning heavily on his IV drip. He stumbles forward, pushing me back with a force that belies his weakened state.

"What is your problem, Dad?" I ask, my frown deepening. My own pain and grief feel like a physical weight, and I can't understand why he would direct his anger at me.

But he doesn't seem to care. "Oh, I'll take it out on whoever I want to!" he roars, his finger shaking as he points it at Steve. "You promised me we'd fight together and lose together, but you weren't there!"

Steve steps forward, his face lined with regret. "Tony, don't take it out on her," he says firmly, but my father isn't listening.

"You're a failure of an Avenger," he snarls at me, his voice growing more and more hoarse. "You can't even save the person you love -"

And then he coughs, a deep, wrenching sound that seems to shake his entire body. He collapses to the ground, his arch reactor falling from his chest as he gasps for breath.

"Dad!" I cry out, rushing to his side. My heart feels like it's breaking in my chest as I watch him struggle to breathe, his face turning a sickly shade of gray.

And then something inside me snaps. I can't take his anger and pain anymore, not when we're all hurting so much already. I raise my hands above his limp body, the blue light of my powers pulsing around me.

I don't even think about what I'm doing. I just focus on bringing him back to life, on making sure he doesn't leave me alone in this broken world. And miraculously, it works - my father gasps for breath, his eyes fluttering open as he sits upright.

But he's still angry. "What are you looking at?" he snaps at me, his eyes blazing with fury. "You've helped enough, haven't you?"

And that's when I've had enough. "Dad, I love you," I say firmly, my voice shaking with emotion. "But if you say one more word, I'll blast you through each and every layer of cement."

For a moment, there's stunned silence around us. Even my father looks taken aback by the force of my words.

But then he nods, just the slightest bit, and I know that he understands. We've all been through so much, and we're all struggling to find our way forward. But at least for now, we have each other - even if that means we have to yell and fight and love fiercely, all at the same time.

I turn away from my father, not wanting to see the disappointment and anger etched into his face. As I walk away, I hear him muttering something under his breath, but I don't care to listen.

I need to be alone, to process everything that's happened. The loss of Peter, the defeat at the hands of Thanos, and now the anger and blame from my own father - it's all too much.

I make my way back to my apartment, my footsteps heavy and slow. The city around me is eerily quiet, as if the entire world is holding its breath, waiting for the next disaster to strike.

But when I reach my apartment building, I hear something that shatters the illusion of calm. It's a sound I know all too well - the sound of someone crying.

The Blue Siren (Spider-Man x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now