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After training with Wanda, I went home. I wanted to get in good hours of sleep before the decathlon tomorrow. I unlocked the door and headed to the bathroom. I started running the bath. The room began filling with steam. My phone started ringing on the bathroom counter. I picked it up.

"Yoohoo Sheep."

I took a deep sigh, "Hello Doctor. Please explain to me why you have called me?"

"Would you be so kind to explain to us, why you took out the biomolecular nanochip?"

"Oh, about that- Tony found it when he was running tests on me... Talking about the chip please explain why you had it put in me and why Hydra left me in the dark about it?"

"Ahh, I'm so glad you could've gotten a father-daughter reunion! About the chip, we both know that's classified, don't we sheep?"

"Is it that classified when you play with my life!"

"You are only a prized possession, I don't know what you are asking, you know possessions break! I'll be the one to fix it"

"I'm not just an object Doctor, now explain to me how to stop these brain surges?"

"Wouldn't you like to know sheepy?" I could hear in his voice how proud he was of himself.

"Sheep I need to go now! Stay well, don't forget that we're watching you. Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra..." I mutter.

I just sit in the bath. Trying to hold back tears. He is right, I've gotten so comfortable with my life here! I forgot that this isn't me, but when I speak to Peter and Ned, they make me feel like I belong here. I look at the steam floating around me. This could have been my life 7 years ago. I could have taken over Stark Industries. But now I've been taught to assassinate, I've been taught to kill a human in more than 40 different ways. I've killed innocent people because Hydra willed it. 

I let the water out and start drying up. I put on comfortable warm pants and a t-shirt and head to bed. But I heard music playing from the apartment next door, Peter's apartment. I tentatively climb out onto the fire escape and carefully climb to Peter's window. His curtains were open, even Ned was in there. Peter was laying on his top bunk bed jamming to the music. I couldn't see what they were doing, but Peter was just relaxing. I knocked on the window. Peter jumped up and Ned hid something under the cushions.

Parker rushed to the window and slid it open.

"Hey, uhm Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't want to interrupt anything... I just wanted to say hi."

He laughed at my answer," Well hi..."

"Hi Pete," I smile back at him. "Hi, Ned!" I yell into the room.

"Hey Y/N!"

Peter climbs out and joins me on the fire escape. I didn't plan on being out here so long, it's really cold. Peter noticed I had started to shiver, so he went inside and got a blanket for us while we sit outside, looking up at the stars. We sit on the steps like the other night and just talked, both of us wrapped under this blanket.

"So what's wrong, I can see something is up."

"Pete, you've hardly known me for a few days now and you say that you can now tell when something is wrong." Who am I kidding, in these last few days that I was in Midtown, he was the one that I would talk to the most he would know if something is wrong.

"Ok fine, My mind has just been busy overthinking."

He shoves me, "Why are you overthinking."

"It's just, I don't know, if you find out please tell me," I joke.

The Blue Siren (Spider-Man x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now