Fouth year of the blip:

I sit cross-legged on the floor, pulling out boxes from under my bed one by one. It's been years since I last went through them, but today feels like the right day. The room is quiet except for the sound of cardboard scraping against the wooden floor. Dust clouds fly up as I reach the bottom of the pile, and I take a moment to cough and rub my eyes.

But my eyes don't stay shut for long. They fixate on the contents of the box in front of me. My heart starts to race as I see what's inside. A red and blue suit with black and white bug eyes stare back at me. It's Peter's suit. I lift it up and follow the seams with my finger, tracing the black lines until I reach the black spider in the middle of it.

I can't help but feel sad as I look at it. Nostalgia really is a person's worst enemy. But for some reason, I can't cry for him anymore. Not like I used to. The tears are dry and my voice is silent.

As I continue to stare at the suit, my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door knob turning. It's way too early for it to be May. My heart starts to race again, and I jump up from the floor to peer around the doorframe. I watch as the door opens only ajar, and a woman dressed casually with long black curly locks sneaks inside.

I giggle as I walk towards her. "Agatha, you know there are easier ways to keep in touch?"

She walks over to me and wraps me in her arms. "I know, I know... But something came up..."

"What was more important than making sure I'm alive?" I ask, slightly teasing.

"Well honestly, I thought you blipped... I've struggled tracing your magic ever since half of the world vanished." She walks away from me and picks up one of the chocolate cookies that sits on the countertop and takes a bite out of it.

"That's not yours," I say as I take the plate of cookies away from Agatha. "And you couldn't trace me because I stopped using magic altogether!"

"Wait what! Why? You have all this power, but decide not to use it!" She shrieks.

"Well yeah... But if you couldn't trace me with my magic, how did you find me?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I found you with someone else's magic..." Agatha opens the front door and lets someone in. At first, I don't recognize the girl who walks in. She has bright blonde hair and a small scar on her cheek. She might have gotten older, but I'd recognize her cocky smile from anywhere, the golden serpent.

"What is the Serpent doing in my apartment!" I yell.

"She... She needs help, just like I helped you! Besides, I came to ask for your help..." Agatha pleads.

"Pleading doesn't suit you, Agatha!"

"Exactly, so it shows you how serious I am!" she says, desperation creeping into her voice.

"Okay, and that is?" I ask her, sinking deeper into the couch pillow.

"She needs the part you drained from her magic back!" Agatha sits on the chair, barely trying to notice the rubbish lying next to her.

"She's dangerous, and with this magic, she'll be even stronger!" I say, shaking my head.

"But I want to learn control, Y/N!" the girl screams.

"And why do you need my help with that! Use the magic you currently have! Besides I don't have time for this. I have to get packing for the trip to see my family. Morgan is turning four this year!"

"I have a theory that because this magic had time to bond with you... It will be easier for her to get hers under control if she has some of yours... Or hers that you have... It's really confusing really." Agatha explains.

I shake my head in disbelief. "I can't believe you're asking me to do this, Agatha. This girl has caused me so much pain in the past, and now you want me to give her a piece of me?"

The Blue Siren (Spider-Man x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now