mcc practise stream

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It was the day before mcc so Tubbo was streaming on the practice server to reveal that Ranboo was in the UK and that I was staying there as well.

Me and Ranboo were both out of view of the camera with our masks and glasses on ready for when Tubbo gave us the signal to move into frame.

"Why are there two chairs? Tommy's visiting right now and the second chairs for him," Tubbo said, reading chat, "What do you mean it's for Ranboo. I can show you Tommy's here. TOMMY COME SAY HI TO CHAT," Tubbo said calling Tommy over as he turned his camera off and gave Ranboo the signal to pull up a third chair next to Tommy and stand in the background. "Awww no, my face cam's froze. Just a second chat... and there we go, should be fixed now,"

When Tubbo turned the camera back on Tommy greeted the chat. Most were distracted by Tommy's appearance on the stream however I saw a few messages freaking out when they "noticed someone in the background" and most of the messages were similar to that when Ranboo casually walked out of frame.

At this point everyone pretty much knew Ranboo was here so he walked back on camera, grabbed a seat and they officially announced that he's in the UK.

After a few minutes of chat asking the three questions, Tubbo turned off his camera again and gave me the signal to stand in the background. "Why won't my webcam stop freezing," Tubbo said as we all tried to stop ourselves from laughing, "Okay that definitely should be fixed now," he continued while waving his hand pretending to check the frames on his webcam and I looked at chat.

Random_user: WHO IS THAT


"What do you mean whose that behind you chat," Tubbo said struggling to keep a straight face.

"Me and Ranboo are the only ones who are at Tubbo's right now," Tommy said.

"Yeah it's just us three here playing on the mcc practise server," Ranboo said acting confused.

I walked closer to the others and said, "Yeah weird." We all paused and looked at eachother before laughing as chat was spamming. "Hi chat, I've never had a face cam before so you won't recognise me, but it's me, (u/n)," I said waving at the camera.

After talking for a few minutes and explaining to chat that I'm staying at Tubbo's and continuing to be a faceless streamer by stealing Ranboo's brand we continued playing on the practice server, during which Scott 'unbanned' Ranboo from mcc.

We messed about for a bit, asking for random effects and getting teleported to unseen parts of the map inside the games and despite the blindness and nausea effects that were on screen half the time the stream was fun (and quite chaotic).

After about an hour we all said bye to chat and ended stream. "That was the most fun I've ever had during a stream," I said.

"Yeah, we have so many awesome vlogs planned to do as well," Tommy said.

"We can add you learning to fly to the list as well, without filming it obviously," Ranboo said.

I suddenly got nervous when actually learning to fly was mentioned. It was impossible to learn at my home because it's too small so I didn't have to worry but now with the others help I could easily start to learn if it wasn't for one small detail.

"Oh yeah, wooo sounds cool," I said unconvincingly.

"What's wrong wouldn't it be fun to learn to fly. It's too small for learning but once you can fly this room is big enough to fly in if you're careful," Tubbo said.

"Expertly shown by Tommy," I mentioned sarcastically making Tubbo and Ranboo laugh while Tommy looked unimpressed.

"Hey!" Tommy responded loudly.

"Anyway, it's not that I don't want to be able to fly, it's just that... I have acrophobia," I said quietly.

"What does that mean," Tubbo asked.

"You see, most people have at least a small fear of heights or they become slightly uneasy when up high but acrophobia is way worse than normal," I explained.

"So that means," Ranboo began.

"That's right, I have an extreme fear of heights," I said finishing Ranboo's sentence.

The room went silent for a few seconds, realising the problems it will cause.

"That's okay we'll help you get used to heights," Tubbo said trying to reassure me.

Ranboo looked deep in thought for a few moments before saying, "What if we use the vlogs to help," and I looked at him confused.

"Oh yeah, the first couple places that we're going to might help," Tommy said.

"Oh no, you've literally jumped out a plane before, where are they," I asked worried, thinking of the different places and air sports they might have planned.

"The first place is a trampoline Park in two days," Tubbo said excitedly.

"Well I guess that isn't too bad," I said, "I can control how high I go on a trampoline."

"And about a week after that were going to a high ropes course," Tommy said, "It could help but if you're not ready and-"

"I'll do it," I said. The three immediately looked at me, surprised at how quick I agreed, "I've got to get used to heights eventually and if I'm having fun with friends hopefully it'll keep me distracted."

"You sure you want to, it's quite sudden and we do have four months if you want to wait a bit first," Ranboo asked.

"If I don't try now I'll just keep putting it off until it's too late. Who knows maybe it'll be fun," I said hopefully.

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