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Just realised that I didn't specify who is in the discord call so (Y/n), (y/n)'s mam, Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, Wilbur, Phil are in the call.

(Y/n) pov

"Yes he is Tubbo. His name is Billzo." My mam confirmed.

"Wait so you've already talked to him Tubbo," I asked.

"No I talked to one of his friends, Aimesy, and they mentioned that he couldn't stream because he had headache and backache," Tubbo said and I heard someone typing in the background.

"Oh no," I heard my mam say quietly.

"That's never a good sign," Phil said, "last time you said that was when Ranboo was seen practicing flying, luckily the person just thought he was a weird mothman creature."

"Wait is that why so many people believe that myth," I asked turning to Ranboo.

"Yeah thats kinda my fault," Ranboo said, "Phil and I are the only two winged who have been seen while flying, luckily we were only seen when it was dark and any photos taken were way too blury to be used as any proof," Ranboo said, "Anyway, back on track, what's wrong," he continued, asking my mam.

"I've just looked him up online, he streams quite regularly and always has his face cam on, and since Billzo just got his wings he won't be able to turn them invisible yet so people might get suspicious if he doesn't use his face cam or doesn't stream at all for a few weeks while he gets the hang of it," my mam said.

"People got a bit suspicious that something was wrong when me and Tubbo suddenly stop streaming for a couple weeks when we first grew our wings, but in the end no one found out why we need the break and they just thought we were burned out," Tommy said.

"Yeah, don't worry (m/n) no one would ever guess that Billzo has wings unless he literally told them, and even still people would find it hard to believe him," Wilbur said trying to calm my mam down.

"Yeah, you're right. It's just that I want to make sure that you are all safe and the only way to assure that is to keep everything a secret," my mam thought for a second before continuing, "I'm sure Billzo's mam has probably already told him to not tell anyone."

Billzo pov

My mum just left my room and I was still in shock, I'd accepted that this wasn't some kind of weird dream so that's a step forward I guess but I don't know wether knowing this is real made me feel better or worse.

I zoned out almost the entire time my mum talked to me but from what I heard she was texting someone who might might be able to help me.

I grabbed my phone and looked at my wings fully for the first time by using the camera. I saw that my wings are an orange colour that gradually changes to black at the end with a red circle (similar to my bandana). While on my phone I also noticed a discord notification from Aimesy asking if I felt any better.

I thought for a second before deciding to tell them the truth and send them a photo and within a few seconds they video called me. I answered the call with my camera off and could only say, "Hi, Aim-" before Aimesy interrupted.

"Billzo, why are you wearing a pair of those kids fake wings that you wear like a backpack," Aimesy asked but before I could speak she continued, "Wait, how were you able to find ones that actually look like they fit you."

I turned on my camera, "Aimesy, don't freak out but they're real," I said, "I don't know how but they're real." Aimesy was silent for what felt like hours before they spoke.

"Keep you're arms still and move them," they asked testing to see if I was telling the truth.

"I don't know if I can but I can try," I said. I focused on trying to move my wings, "Oh fuck," I continued, accidentally knocking over a glass of water with my wings.

"There actually real, I thought it was gonna be a stupid joke and they were attached with strings or something. Do you know how you got them," Aimesy said frantically.

"No, my mum said she knows someone who might be able to help but-" I said before getting cut off by my mum.

"Ok, Billzo, my friend said you can join one of those discord group chats that you use to talk to other winged or avians as they're sometimes called. I've also got permission off one of the other parents to visit a few of them within the next few days for a couple months if you want," my mum said coming into the room.

"There's others?" I asked quietly nearly in disbelief of everything that has happened today.

"Yes, you can talk with them to if you go on Disco-, wait are you talking to someone. How much did they hear," my mum said panicking after noticing Aimesy was on screen.

"Wait, i'm not meant to tell anyone?" I asked suddenly realising that it was a stupid question.

"No you weren't. It's meant to be a secret. If you tell the wrong person and the world knows about you someone will try to hunt all of you down for your wings either as a trophy or to use you for experiments," my mum said, her voice a mixture of her scolding me and fear for me.

The room went silent with tears beginning to show in the corner of both me and my mum's eyes, not that I noticed since I couldn't meet her gaze and instead stared at the floor.

"I," although quite, I heard Aimesy's voice cut through the silence, "I promise I won't tell anyone. I'll even make sure Billzo doesn't tell anyone else."

"Thank you, I assume you're Aimesy. Billzo has mentioned you before when he talks about one of the servers he's on and you sound trustworthy," my mum said embarrassing me, probably on purpose.

"Mum," I said, going red in embarrassment, causing both my mum and Aimesy to laugh.

"Anyway, you mentioned that I could visit some of them, who's parents did you talk to" I asked curiously.

"Someone called Tubbo," she said nonchalantly.

"WAIT TUBBO," Aimesy and I both said at the same time, "As in the Tubbo that is joining the server I'm on," I continued

"That's probably him. His parents mentioned that he also streams,"

"I literally talked to him briefly on stream today," Aimesy said, "No wonder he zoned out when I told him that you couldn't make it to stream, he probably somehow figured out that you have wings."

"So when can I visit them," I asked.

"You'll need to buy train tickets but other than that you can go anytime you want, as long as you promise to be careful," my mum said. I promised to be safe and started to plan the trip.

N/a: it's been a while but I finally finished this chapter :)

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