Bradley's POV

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"Soooo Jake, how's everyone in LA?" I questioned. All of us were sitting in the living room, Luke was sitting on one side of me and Jake on the other. the rest of the boys were on the couch or floor. "Great, your family misses you though...especially with your birthday coming up and all." Jake replied. "Wait, when is your Birthday Brad?" Daniel questioned. "Same days as Jai and I's" Luke responded with a smile. Luke thought it was cute we shared the same birthday. "Haha, at least you'll be here for it though, it's in two days!" Luke gently placed his hand on my thigh and I brushed it off, only for him to just place his hand back again. I gave up. "Yeah...." it went silent for a couple of seconds. "Luke are we having a party for our birthday?" Jai asked. "Um its up to Bradley." I nodded at Jai "Of course! It'll be fun! Jake will you come?" I asked. I felt Luke's body tense up. "Definitely, it's gonna-" Jake was cut off by his phone going off. "U-um I think I should head out, I got, um, things to do." Jake stuttered "Okay, bye Jake" I stood up and hugged him. "I'm gonna go to, after all I am his ride." Natalie said getting off the floor. "Ok, see ya later!" I said. "Bye!" She waved as she walked out the door. "Was it just me or was he acting a little off......" I said. "I don't know, he could just be delirious from the flight." Jai defended him. "True." "Jai can we go to the gym?" Daniel asked. "Yeah! Luke are you coming?" "No, I'll stay here." Luke responded. "Brad?" He asked again. "Nah, I'll stay here with Luke." I smiled at him. "Alright c'mon let's get changed quick." Jai told Daniel and they walked out of the living room. "I'll be right back I'm going to the bathroom." Luke said walking out. "Wow, what's his problem?" Beau asked as he stood up. "I dunno." I said a little upset. "Well, I think I'm gonna go to the gym with the boys.......are you ok?" He said, he must've noticed I was upset. "Yeah, just a little tired." I lied. "Ok, see ya later." and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Ok, bye Beau." I sat back down on the couch. "See ya soon Brad!" The boys called as they walked out the door. "Bye!" The door slammed shut and Luke walked back in. "Hey babe, is everything-" I was cut off by Luke smashing his lips into mine. "L-Luke what was that f-for?" I questioned panting. Damn he sure took my breath away. "I don't like him here, I want to be the only one to make you happy" he said with lustful eyes. I decided to play along with his seduction game, "Hey did you know that the colour of boys' lips are the same colour as their-" "dick? Why don't we figure out if that's true?" Luke said once again smashing his lips into mine.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A/N) sorry the ending was so sexual 😂 I saw that as a caption on vine and I figured I'd use it 💁 anyway so who do you ship together? Jake and Bradley or Luke and Bradley?

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