Bradley's POV

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I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight peeking through the window, my head was pounding, I turned my head and saw the sleeping figure lying next to me. I looked down at my body......Lets just say I had quite the night last night. I turned on my side and wrapped my arms around the sleeping body, assuming it was Luke. I nestled my head on his shoulder and I lifted my finger to start to trace Luke's tattoos...... but I don't remember these tattoos on Luke...... BECAUSE IT WAS JAI!! "OH MY GOD" I shrieked. covering myself with the duvet. Jai immediately woke up. "What the fuck? Ow!!" He yelped holding his head, he must've been as drunk and I was. "We didn't?!" I asked very nervously "I think we did" Jai's face turned bright red. What was I going to tell Luke? That I slept with his brother? I covered my mouth, I officially fucked this up, why the hell did I drink so damn much. Jai realized he was naked as well and kept the sheets over himself. "Um, Bradley....." he pointed to my neck. I glanced at the mirror on the wall and saw the deep red marks on my neck.... shit. "Damn, right as I think we can get out of this, I have fucking proof on my neck." I run my fingers through my hair but still hold on to the duvet with my other hand. "Bradley, I'm so sorry, I was completely wasted..... I didn't mean too." he looked down at the floor, I wasn't mad at him, I couldn't be, I was equally as wasted. "Jai, it's fine, I just don't know what Luke's gonna say." I sat there for a few seconds, then he hugged me, I didn't pull away, I hugged him back, I know, it's strange to hug back your boyfriend's twin brother that you just fucked because you were drunk...... but I needed it. "I'm so sorry...." he said again. "Jai it's not your fault I think I was drunk too.... I'm gonna try to sneak downstairs, or find Luke just stay here and pretend your still asleep." He nodded his head and laid back on the pillow and closed his eyes, I scrambled to the floor to retrieve my clothes and put them in quickly, and when I walked into the hallway, Beau was out there as well. "Why were you in Jai's room?" He questioned. Can this possibly get any fucking worse?! "Bradley, you have hickeys all over your neck..... You didn't ?!?" Of course it's so fucking worse, then the tears came. "B-Beau, I don't know what t-to do." I cried, Beau pulled me into his arms. "Its ok" he cooed into my ear. "No it's not, ever since I got here, I fucked things up." I stubbornly replied. Beau placed his finger under my chin to tilt my head up, "You didn't fuck things up, I think your the best thing that happened to us, especially Luke, Luke doesn't shut up about you, he loves you so much. He's an asshole and fool if he doesn't forgive you-" I cut him off "But I slept with his fucking brother!" he continued "you didn't let me finish, he's done this before, he's drunk-fucked other girls whilst dating someone..... he's gonna be a fucking hypocrite if he doesn't forgive you, he should understand." his hand was gently rubbing up and down my back, he made me feel guiltier instead of better because he said Luke loved me so much and of course I drink my ass off and fuck his brother...... I wish I wasn't such a fuck up. "Now go get your ass in Luke's room and talk to him, he needs you." Beau said releasing me from his grasp and then wiping the tears away from my eyes. "Thanks Beau" I replied "Anything for you" he smiled. I turned away from him and walked towards Luke's room. When I opened the door I saw him fast asleep. I closed the door behind me and just stood there and admired him as he slept. He looked so peaceful. I saw that he was hugging a pillow tight to his chest, I walked over and gently removed the pillow from his grasp, and stripped down to only my bra and underwear and slipped under the covers and placed myself where the pillow used to be, I so desperately wanted to feel him hug me close..... and that's exactly what he did. He made me feel so secure when he held me tight in his arms and then intertwined my legs with his and nestled my head on his chest, I loved when we slept like this. "I know what you did last night." he whispered. My heart sunk. "Im really-" "Don't say your sorry, I was furious last night when I walked into Jai's room and found you both fast asleep and naked, but I love you too.... I can't stay mad at you and can't lose you." he hugged me tighter, I forced myself not to cry. "I'm sorry Luke, I love you so much, I can't lose you either." he kissed my forehead. "Just please don't do it again" he said "I won't" I replied "Unless it's me" I laughed at the perverted statement "Ok...... Can it be you tonight?" I questioned in a face innocent voice "Yeah, why not?" He smiled and kissed me. I'm so glad he forgave me..... I don't know what I would've done. Beep-beep my phone went off, I reached for my phone, once I saw who the text was from I dropped my phone to the ground. "Babe are you ok?"

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