Bradley's POV

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I woke up to the sun shining through my window and the smell of someone cooking something downstairs. I was still wrapped tightly in Luke's arms..... I also thought about Beau, and what happened last night, I wanted to go talk to him. I carefully lifted Luke's arm off of me, trying not to wake him up, then I tip-toed out of my room. I heard Natalie, Jai, and Daniel downstairs talking. I turned and walked down the hallway where the guest bedroom was. I gently opened the door and saw Beau wrapped up in the duvet, I smiled a little, he did look pretty cute when he slept. I closed the door behind me and walked over to him, I got under the covers and wrapped my arms around him. His body was warm. "Bradley?" He asked turning so he was facing me. "Hi Beau" I said with a smile on my face. "Listen, about what happened last night-" "I'm sooooo sorry Bradley. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.... I know Luke's probably gonna kill me, but I truly am sorry, and I still wanna be friends." "Beau I forgive you." I said hugging him tightly. "Thank you soooooo much Bradley" he said sitting up, hugging me harder. "I'll talk to Luke, he won't hurt you if I tell him too, he loves me too much" I said. "Bradley you don't understand how happy this makes me, I thought for sure I fucked up our friendship." he said, releasing from our hug. "No problem Beau...... I love you like my big brother.....I'm glad we're friends" I said. I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled his cute little smile. "Well I'm gonna go get Luke.... Again, I forgive you" I said hugging him one last time. I got up off the bed. "By the way, I smell like your cologne now." I laughed "Sorry" he smiled. "It's ok, I like it." I said walking out the door. I was glad I fixed things with Beau, he was like my big brother now, I don't know what I'd do without him. I walked back to my room, Luke was still fast asleep. My heart melted. I walked over to him and laid on his back. "Babe?" He asked "Yessss?" I responded. He smiled. I sat on him and began to rub his back. He flipped me over so I was laying on the bed, and he hovered over top of me. I smiled at the way he was looking at me. I bit my lip. His lips crashed into mine. I felt the cool metal of his lip ring, it felt uncomfortable, but I'll get used to it. Our kiss became heated. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, I accepted his request. Luke made a trail of little wet kisses down my neck, kissing my sweet spot, then kissing my collarbone. He stopped and looked at me "Your so beautiful, you know that?" He breathed heavily "Yeah, I guess so" I said, he kissed my lips again. I sat up and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands were rubbing up and down my back. "I..think..we..should go downstairs" I said between kisses. "Ok babe" Luke said. He hugged me tightly, his head rested on my shoulder. "I talked to Beau this morning, and he apologized so just let go of what happened last night, for me?" I said innocently. "Ok, because I bet his kisses were as good as mine." he said with one final kiss. I got up and fixed my hair and put in my contacts, and picked out my outfit for the day. Luke put his pants and shirt back on. "Ready?" I asked. "Yep" he said following me out of my room. We walked down the stairs and joined Daniel, Jai and Nat. "Morning guys!" I said cheerfully. "Morning!" Jai and Daniel responded. Nat was silent. Something wasn't right with her. "Nat, where's James?" I asked. She looked at me, "He broke up with me" she said. I felt really bad for her, she really loved James, "I'm not dating anyone else, I just want James" she said lowly. "Awww Nat, I'm pretty sure Luke can talk to him" I said. The guys weren't listening to us "What about me?" Luke said "James broke up with Nat" I said "Aww Nat, I'll talk to him" Luke said. He's so sweet "Told ya" I smiled. "Morning guys!" Beau said, he winked at me, I just smiled. "Morning Beau, feel better?" Daniel asked "Yeah, I guess" Beau said. I looked at Luke, I gave him the 'don't-kick-his-ass' look. He simply nodded his head. "Thank you." I mouthed, he smiled at me. "So what are we gonna do today?" Beau asked "Not sure, I kinda wanna have a party tonight." Daniel said "Me too!" I agreed "Ok, let's have a party tonight, how about at our house?" Luke asked "Sure" I said. I was happy, it was something to look forward to. Luke walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. The others began a little conversation. "Yay, another night with you" Luke cooed in my ear. "Yeah, so what are we gonna do?" I asked all cutesy "Each other" he whispered in my ear then kissed my neck. I felt my lips curl up into a smile. His warm breath sent shivers down my spine, the good ones. I was so excited for tonight.

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