Luke's POV

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Bradley and I were talking together and laying on the mattresses, she was tracing my lion king tattoo. I knew she was purposely trying to be a tease. "You know your being a goddamn tease" I whined "How am I being a tease?" She asked innocently....... I knew she was playing with me. I pulled my lip ring between my teeth. "I need Chapstick" she said rubbing her lips together, she got up and walked over to her bag. I felt the lingering touch on my chest where she was tracing my tattoo. She came back over and laid down again. "Can I have some too?" I asked, I expected her to pull it out of her hoodie pocket and put it on my lips, trying to be a tease back, "Sure" she said, before I knew it she crashed her lips into mine. The kiss became more heated as I brushed my tongue against her lip, she denied and laid back down to continue tracing my tattoo, "Now I'm being a tease" she laughed. I jokingly scoffed. Then of course Beau had to fucking ruin it "Are you two done swallowing each other yet?" he asked with a smartass tone. I glared at him. He cleared his throat."We wanted to come and lay down and talk a little with you two, but if you gonna swallow each other we'll wait for a another time." Beau said unamused "Yeah, come lay down" Bradley said. He laid down next to her, I pulled her closer to me, I didn't trust Beau at all. "Sup bitches!!!!!!!!" Nat slurred "Was she drinking?" Bradley whispered to Beau, he did his 'flirt' laugh, I rolled my eyes. "She doesn't mess around" he whispered back. After everyone sat down we made a circle, I took Bradley and placed her on my lap, I was hoping I didn't get a 'you-know-what' I snaked my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. Her neck was warm and her hair tickled me. I smiled at the thought that we were probably officially and item.
• a few hours later •
"Eweeeee!" I heard Bradley yelp. I opened my eyes but I didn't move. I heard Bradley approach so I quickly closed my eyes. "Drunk sex is never good." I heard her continue as she walked out to the kitchen. I lifted my head to find, what I thought was, Natalie's thong lying on the floor.... I looked at the trail of clothes up the stairs and then I found James' 'dirty pig' tee I laughed as I lifted my head to see Beau, Skip, and Jai fast asleep with Natalie and James out of sight. I laid my head down as I heard Bradley walking back, I closed my eyes as I felt her lay back down, once she did I pulled her closer to me and began to run my fingers up and down her leg. I could tell she was smiling.

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