Chapter 4

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I grab her arm and tug her into the main room. Alex is ready. I slip into my moccasins and wrap my cloak tight around me. I push past snagging her arm too.

"Oh!" I gasp as I open the hide covered door all I see is shiny dark rock. The pathways, retaining wall, and homes themselves are carved from the usually dull dark rock. I touch the rock, "Its all covered in ice, that's never happened before!" I exclaim. We move slowly down the row of houses to the steep stone stairs.

"Jadis," Alex whines, "I've already made this trip twice today."

"You'll be fine, and maybe you should have thought to bring more food home." I keep up the steady pace even up the icy stone stairs using the rope to pull myself and them up. I glance back looking up to the canyon that's slowly showing over the retaining wall. Being on the bottom level near the river has its downsides. Like not being able to tell what exactly the weather is doing over the protection wall to the river, and the canyon walls.

We are huffing and puffing after walking the nine levels to Lord's wooden tower. The only wood building, and it is two levels with several spare rooms. The Temple just past it on the right is even just carved into the stone.

"I shouldn't be encouraging your imagination, but I'm going to go see what's going on in the Temple." Alex says as she leaves Jemmy and I.

Jemmy glances at me, "Food, spying, or punishing Zavier?"

I give her a grin, "Spying, food, then kicking Zavier's butt."

There aren't many Runners guarding this level, which is unusual. Jemmy and I move quietly to a window that is mostly hidden by shadows against the stone wall. Leaning against the wall, we listen. At first the voices sound all jumbled, after a few moments I can hear Lord Salvatore's whiny voice and another deep quiet one.

"Jadis, Jemmy come with me." Zavier startles a yelp out of both of us, I hadn't heard him approach, he helps both of us to our feet. I knew if I wanted to get my revenge it needed to be quick, I drew my fist back and quickly released it punching Zavier in the jaw.

He looks down at me with a smirk he barely reacted to my hit, "Ouch, though I suppose I perhaps deserve that."

Jemmy glares at him, "Don't be dishonest in the future, who else did you tell?"

He raises his hands to block his face in case of another punch or slap, "I -uh."

"It matters not what nonsense he's spread." Came the whiny voice of Lord.

"My Lord Salvatore." Zavier bowed and Jemmy curtsied.

Lord's beady blue gray eyes meet my hazel ones. I arch an eyebrow refusing to curtsy, challenging him. His pasty white face crinkles, "Jadis Malean, return to your house at once. You are not to leave until summoned." He snaps, "Chappell see her home. Zavier..." He frowns up at him, "something has come up, come with me."

Chappell appears from the Tower's doorway, gently tucking my arm into his, bowing to Lord before guiding me back towards the slick steps. Jemmy rushes to my side.

"I'll go get us food from the dining hall."

"No need Jemmy," Chappell smiles kindly at her. "We'll stop at the kitchens." He glances at me, his dark coloring makes it impossible to see his expression in the dim lighting, but I have a feeling he is amused. "How is your hand?" He chuckles.

"Ah, it's been better." In fact it was just now starting to throb painfully.

"The Runners had bets going as to how you'd respond, he's had this planned for months."

"Months?" My eyes widen, "Gods why does he pester me."

"I think the answer is obvious." Chappell says with a chuckle.

"Did you win anything?" Jemmy asks.

"Nope, your sister didn't draw blood."

"Shame." She laughs. "Jadis, we learned nothing. Now what?"

I growl. Chappell keeps me moving towards the back entrance of the dining hall. I need to thank him. My gaze snaps to Chappell, "The strangers you saw them! One of them rescued me earlier!"

He looks over at Jemmy, but is still talking to me, "The Gods spared you."

I glare at him, "Who are they? You met them, I heard someone else in there with Lord."

"Lord Salvatore." Jemmy corrects me quietly.

Chappell stops us and turns me to him, "Don't pursue this right now. I will thank the Gods for you." I see his smile clearly now that we are closer to the dining hall. His eyes scrunch with worry. "Everything will be fine, your brother is speaking with the Gods now. Good changes are coming."

"Then why do you look worried?"

"Come, we need to hurry."

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