Chapter 32

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"Can you send Sebastian?" He looks torn, "Stay with me." I pause, before adding, "Have you had your blood?" My hands fly to cover my mouth it wasn't a question I even meant to ask! I have to know though, all clues point to him being the deaora.

His shoulders stiffen, he snarls. "Those fleabags." The anger seems to pool around him. When his nearly black eyes meets my hazel I want to cringe away.

I laugh, trying to hide how scared I am. "They only gave me more of a suspicion. Everything... told me what you are." The realization that it's true has me thinking back to his appearance in Sutle. "You drank from the people worshiping in the Temple! My sisters!" I gasp.

Ryen fiddles with something on the desk not meeting my eyes for a few moments. Before moving towards me slowly, "Jadis." He whispers.

I let him approach me and pull me into him. "Ryen," I hold back a sob. "How did you make me trust you so easily? Are you going to kill me?" I push back from him, my body still tells me that he's safe and we need him. "How many people have you killed?"

He pulls me back in, "You've always trusted me, even when I was a venefia. I would never harm you Jadis, and I told you." He looks at me eyes still black. "It's time for the Maleans to make their come back and be in the control of the deaora." He bites his bottom lip then releases it. "I shouldn't have told you that." He moves away from me pacing.

My hands go to my hips, "Let's start with who were you to me that you have any right to say that I trusted you?"

"I worked at the palace." He sits down on the bed, snagging my waist and trapping me between his knees. My breath hitches, oh my. "I was the gardener until one day the grounds were attacked and I was taken."

I frown down at him, the man in my memories, the one who always made me feel safe. I had assumed was my father. "Why were you one of the ones who came for us? That wasn't an accident."

"It wasn't." He says simply. "I am part of a small team. The Tre. None of your family will be harmed. I told you, the Malean blood is rare and important-."

"And needed to be in control of Amolderon." I finish. "You only need one for that. Not even that, you could simply taken one of Jincannin's kids." I mutter.

"What?" His voice is like a whip.

I lean as far away as his knees will allow. "Did your reports not tell you?" I laugh, "Oh yes, I would say he has at least four. Though a few were supposed to be sacrifices."

"Were any sent?"

I glare down at him, "Not yet."

"Fuck I have to go." He releases me, grabs his cloak then spins back to me. His eyes are still black, as he moves in closer to me, I fall back on the bed. He's suddenly over the top of me. "I didn't want to do this, was told not too, but now that you know what I am...I see no reason to hold myself back." He crawls over me, my heart wants to beat right out of my chest, "I'm going to give you a taste of what you want."

I blink several times, my body seems to understand before my brain. As a wonderful all consuming heat floods through me pooling in my lower belly.

Slowly he presses into me, and kisses me. His kiss is slow melting me, I feel his fangs. Fangs, it's weird to be completely okay with them. With a prick of his fangs on my tongue I moan, he breaks away suddenly. I whimper at the loss. Then I see Ryen's fangs extend as he bites down into my left shoulder. The pain is immense oh my lord that hurts!

"Ryen! What in the lord was that for?" I yell. He's still leaning over me, I see a drop of blood drip from his tongue and the bite stops hurting. How strange. "What did you do?" I try again panting this time, my body is feeling all sorts of weird things.

"I marked you as mine. No other deaora can feed from you."

"Oh, well thank you then." I say sarcastically.

"I'll teach you a spell to cover it up when I get back."

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