Chapter 6

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Chappell comes back into the house. "Where did he go?"

I frown at him, "He went right past you as he left."

"He definitely didn't."

Jemmy comes back into the main room and begins unpacking the basket of food. She sets the table, "Chappell go get Alexandria."

He grumbles and leaves.

"What just happened?"

Jemmy looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "You have a god interested in you."

"He's not a god." I scoff at her. "He's a.... well he's a man."

"Now that you've seen him, is he the one who calls to you every night in your dreams?"

"No, Ryen is not my dream guy, that one is... well he has hair the color of wheat and blue eyes. But Ryen... is mine."

She rolls her eyes at me.


A while later Alex arrives home, I'm just grateful that I can now eat. Alex's eyes are wide.

"The God Ryen was here in our home." She drops to her knees palms flat on the cold stone. As she begins to mutter a prayer I kick her butt lightly.

"Get up," I growl. I don't bother repeating myself about him NOT being a god.

Jemmy chuckles as she helps Alex off the ground. We sit down to eat finally, I dig into the bread and thick meaty stew. It's bliss, there are never so many roots and meat at one time in a stew.

"And to think I was jealous of Zavier wanting to be partnered with you. Now a God?" She smiles almost creepily at me. "Our fortune is changing. Can you feel it Jem?"

I frown, Lord also mentioned a change. Jemmy smiles politely at Alex, but mouths to me 'something is wrong'.

I nod, "Alex dear, what was happening at the temple?"

She smiles dreamily. "We fed the Gods." She begins eating small bites of the stew.

"Fed how?" Jemmy asks.

"The only way we can, with our bodies of course."

I jump out of my chair, "What did you do?"

"Oh Jadis, no one took my innocence. Just a little blood." She holds out her arm moving the sleeve up to show us a small cut on her wrist. I gasp backing away from her. Something is very wrong.

"They, the Gods of course told us this is what happens to those sent to serve the Gods at their palace It seems to be very pleasant. Not the fearful experience we always assumed." She sighs, only eats a few more bites then heads off to bed.

I help Jemmy clean up. We don't need to speak, our routine we could do with our eyes closed. The left over stew goes in the pot over the fireplace, the bread is wrapped in a cloth, and I wash the dishes from the water hauled up from the river.

I'm unbelievably grateful that Ryen was here with us tonight, and not at the Temple...right?

"Jadis?" Jemmy says quietly from her bed.

I'm in mine staring at the dark ceiling. "Hmm?"

"I fear the changes." She whispers.

"We'll talk to Jincannin in the morning," I reassure her. "There's nothing to worry about. Alex will be fine in the morning as well."

"Lord told you to stay here," Jemmy yawns.

"Then Jincannin can come here for breakfast." I look over to see the Jemmy has fallen asleep.

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