Chapter 13

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The path through the cave isn't straight. At times I think that we've doubled back. I'm completely lost, after a very long time a sweet current of wind greets us. I swear the way in front of us becomes slightly lighter.

"Are we here!?" I exclaim completely unable to contain my excitement even though I am still upset with him.

"Yes," he nearly snaps.

"What?" I asked, only half caring the reason for his tone.

"Try not to draw too much attention on yourself."

I turn Goddess so she's walking sideways, "Excuse me? Whether it's disgust...or whatever I am always noticed." I growl at him. "Why does it matter anyway? I don't even know who I am besides Jadis Malean."

He meets my eyes, "I am more aware of that than you know. The only thing anyone needs to know about you is that you are a traveler looking for somewhere quiet to stay." He snarls.

"What does that mean? The part about being aware." I snap.

His jaw clenches in frustration, his words come out grated. "It means that I am far more observant than you. With that being said I am also very aware that you are not looked upon with disgust. Now turn your mount straight the guard is coming into view."

Goddess straightens herself with a grunt. "Sorry sweetheart," I murmur to her, I hadn't even thought about how uncomfortable that must have been. The girlish part of me only hears that he thinks I'm beautiful.

My focus shifts towards the ever brightening tunnel ahead. I can see the deep blue of the cave walls, so unlike the dark purple brown of Sutle's. How strangely fascinating. Goddess' pace quickens, sharing in my excitement, except hers was most likely for food not newness.

'I've been here many times,' she agrees to my non-spoken thoughts.


'Before you started annoying me of course.' She breaks into a trot, the hoof beats deafening in the cave.

A very large man steps into view from the opening of the small cavern that leads outside the cave. I can't see out yet, just a sense of blue light. Ryen passes us his mare smug. Goddess clenches to lunge at the mare but a slight touch of my pinkie on the rein stops her.

"Who dares to approach?" His voice is deep and rough.

"Ryen of the Tre." His tone is flat and nonthreatening.

The man breaks into a smile. "Hey Ryen! You're ahead of schedule."

"Just a bit, my lass was easier to woo than I thought she'd be."

He gives me a wicked grin that makes me heat through my core and cheeks turn a dark red. I know Ryen doesn't mean any of that, but still his lass...

He waves us on.

"Thank you." Ryen says with sincerity in his voice. We move on, I glimpse the man in the dim light. He's very tall with long dark hair, he doesn't have a shirt on and I see more muscles than I have ever seen in my entire life!

"Close your mouth sweetheart," he says as I pass.

My jaw snaps shut almost painfully, I look straight forward avoiding making eye contact. I'm so embarrassed that I feel my skin could very possibly catch fire.

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