Chapter 17

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Warning Mature content for the rest of the book.

I can tell that it was originally natural but has had enhancements made to make it more pleasurable. Like on this side under the under the water has been and dug out and bricked. I glance to Ryen and see his nude back side! I gasp and stumble backwards into the pool with a shriek! I surface spitting out water, Ryen swimming is in place next to me. No one has even glanced our way. I look at Ryen. "Can't you put clothes back on?" I glance beneath the water, my eyes flick back to his, "Oh my. Um, yeah clothes." He's grinning wickedly. I splash him and swim to the ledge pulling myself up to sit on the tiles. Keeping my eyes on his face I say, "This is how we bath in Sutle when its warmer...only we keep separated from the men." I raise an eyebrow pointedly at him. "I'm not used to a lot of nakedness around." I say very embarrassed. The water level is at my waist even on the tile. I kick my feet enjoying the feel of them moving through the water.

Ryen swims nearer, "You need to bathe, come on." Giving me a crooked smile he adds, "you cannot honestly tell me that you and that group of boys didn't ever swim together."

I purse my lips. Then roll my eyes, "Yeah we did. Turn around so I can get out of this dress."

He listens, muttering that he'll be seeing everything in a minute. I slip back into the water thinking it will be easier to take the thing off if I'm in farther. Nope, I end up in a battle with the lordish dress. From behind me I feel Ryen's hands help lift the dress off of me, and throw it onto the sand with a heavy plop. He slips his hands around me, something odd in them- oh a bottle of soap.

"Thank you," I murmur. Hmm, it would be impossible to wash as I swim in place, if taking that dress off taught me anything.

"It's shallower in the falls," Ryen says matter of fact. When I glance over my shoulder to thank him, he is gone.

I make haste and swim to the falls, it's actually gentle not the harsh pounding I had expected. I let the water fall over my hair and face, taking a moment to relax before I wash myself. Fiddling with the latch, I wrench it open. I think that I may have broke it. Whoops. It smells flowery, beautiful in a light shade of pink. I'm not that comfortable with so many people around so I wash quickly.

Swimming out of the falls I don't see Ryen. He's not there. An old fear grips me, Zavier always hid under water only to scare me by pulling me under with him. The result was always nice, I didn't mind the exploring hands. Ryen isn't Zavier, I don't know what he'll do. Immediately I shrink back into the falls, like a scared little girl which I am not! I remind myself, I'm nineteen. My body collides into another body, glancing up from a sleek chest I meet Ryen's eyes with a blush.

"Oh," I stammer, realizing at once that my naked breasts are pressed to the bottom of his chest. Something is also poking at my stomach, my hands move in between us, then shove hard. He catches my wrists and spins me around so that my back presses against him. One of his arms presses gently against my collarbone, the other is wrapped around my stomach and holding my hip. I practically pant at the contact and his full length pressing into my lower back. I swallow hard, my heart beats far to fast, very aware that with only a slight adjustment he could be inside me.

"Ssh," he whispers in my right ear. "Only a few people know who I am, no one should suspect who you really are. But I don't want any of them to get any ideas of claiming you." His voice is low and rough. "Plus you are already supposed to be my conquest."

I turn my head towards him, and meet his lips with mine, "This isn't fair of you to be doing this if you have no interest in actually.. 'claiming me'. I also have no clue what you just said, I think it's time you tell me who I am." I growl.

He leans away, but keeps a hold of me for a few more moments. "Shall we head back my sweet?" While his words are normal enough, his tone is not, it's still low, rough and sharp all at the same time. This man drives me crazy. He releases me enough to grab my hand as he swims away dragging me with him. In a blink we're on shore and he's helping me into a loose blue shirt and skirt, that of course clings to me since I'm all wet. I smile at him, finding his wanting to cover me up cute.

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