Chapter 19

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"Jadis," a voice warms my blood and wakes me.

"Ryen," I sigh, my eyes open wide he's on his side, head propped in his hand gazing down at me. I blink several times then wiggle away from him. "Um, what are you doing?"

"Watching you."

I frown, "well stop." I throw the blankets off of me and scoot off the bed, "I'm going to wash my face." I mumble.

Ryen is at the desk and dressed already when I come back into the main room. The loose orange pants and white tunic causes my body to heat intensely, almost painfully. I swallow, unable to remember what I wanted to ask. I've never seen him so causal of course that makes sense since I met him only days ago.

He spins the chair around and flips his hair out of his eyes, "What?"

I bite my lip, the quick pain reminds me of what I want to ask. "Can we go ride?"

He smirks, "you want to ride?"

My eyes narrow in annoyance, all lust for him drains. "Of course I do, I practically live on a horse."

He shrugs, "Get changed, then we'll go. There's a stack of clothes in the restroom."

I sort the clothes out in dresses, shirts, skirts and pants. I choose loose brown pants and a snug pink tunic. Hmm, I like it. I don't bother looking in the glass, I know my hair is a mess and really there is no point of taming it since we're about to ride. As I turn the doorknob, I notice it's not smooth. I squat down to figure out what it is. Some sort of animal carved into the wood, impressive.

Then I remember yesterday, he was supposed to give me answers. Now that I'm not distracted by the book my annoyance is slowly turning to anger. "Oh Ryen," I coo. He's laying on the bed hands folded under his head, his shirt has ridden up just enough to distract me. He glances at me. "You need to tell me why you were sent to get us... why were we important enough to retrieve." I arch an eyebrow then remember my sister! "Alex said she fed your friends with blood. Explain."

Ryen groans, springs to his feet then heads out of the hut not even acknowledging that I said anything. I slip on my leather moccasins and follow Ryen, closing the door softly behind me. Slamming it would more appropriately fit my mood. Though I wouldn't want to disturb the other guests which are all around the- courtyard. The word slipped into place in my mind, I can stop calling it the circle of huts.

I do however storm towards where Ryen waits for me near the large bushes beside pathway leading to the main road and stable. Dark purple leaves surround him, making him look dark and mysterious. I glare, his amber eyes stare unblinking into mine. I pass him brushing my shoulder against him, he stays behind me as we continue.

To my dismay I see that I don't even get to tack up Goddess the raven haired boy holds her reins smiling head bowed shyly at me. Goddess is excited to see me, she nickers and dances in place.

'Make haste girl.'

I grin, "Oh my sweet girl," I croon to her, "and thank you young man." I say gently taking the reins from his hands. I check her girth making sure it's snug, it is, again I feel a slight annoyance that I wasn't the one to saddle and brush her. She's mine. Letting out a breath of annoyance I hop and swing into the saddle. I gently touch the left rein, she brings her head to my foot, and I release the pressure as soon as she gives, I repeat with her right side just making sure she's listening. I glance to my left to see if Ryen is ready, he is. Without asking me he points his mare to the entrance near us through a wide gap in the flowery bushes.

Of course Goddess begins to prance again, if she were any other horse I'd ease her from walking, trotting to cantering before asking for more speed. Not with Goddess, being trained as a Runner's horse and the fact that she's ridden almost everyday has her always anxious and happy to run. With her high stepping prance she catches Ryen's mare, then pushes to the lead. What is his mare's name? I'd be offended if I was called the one wild girl all of the time.

"Ryen," I snap, "come on already."

He sighs, "Do you know your last name?"

"Of course, it's Malean." I roll my eyes.

"Did it ever occur to you that the people of Sutle don't have last names?"

I frown, "Salvatore is a last name not a first. So that's...hmm. I guess you're right. But what has that got to do with anything?"

"The Maleans are a royal line of Venefia." Goddess slows to a walk for me, looking over my shoulder I just stare at him uncomprehending. "I'm sure most people even here remember hearing about the Last Stand of the Venefia and Deaora. Ten years ago the war ended when the King Malean was slain and the royal heirs disappeared. Most believe that the heirs also were killed, some believe the king saved himself, his heirs and are in hiding." Ryen looks at me pointedly.

As it sinks in I gasp, "If we're the heirs then who is our father the king?"

"Those are rumors. The heirs were indeed in hiding, the eldest knew to wait and stay safe until someone came for them."

"Jincannin." I curse.

"Yes, the King however is indeed dead."

"How do you know?" My emotions can't even keep up, elation, betrayal, hope, crushing sadness.

He shrugs, "That's what everyone was told."

"The Deaora won then." The name of the enemy sends a chill through me, though I don't really remember anything about them.

"In some areas, but Venefia held tight, all of the boarders were closed some dismantled others heavily guarded."

I nod as if it means something. "Dead. Then... a king is needed. You should have Jincannin."

"Precisely why I must go back and find them, and why it is very important to keep you safe and others from knowing who you are."

I nod, "Okay."

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