Chapter 24

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He gestures towards the bed before he sits down in the chair at the desk. I notice he's only in his night pants, shirtless. My heart flutters. Focus, we're mad at him, he's daft. Yeah that's the best I can come up with.

Ryen runs his hands through his hair, teeth grinding. "Jadis, you are already in danger, I just didn't want to worry you with any of it. Sebastian is your guard of course he won't hurt you. I want you to be able to enjoy a little freedom while still being safe before it's taken away again. And hopefully not have you scared until you're safe behind the palace gates."

"Freedom?" I growl again, "How is it freedom being drug around by someone who makes my blood boil in both a good and bad way." I mumble. "In danger how?"

Ryen sighs not looking at me, "I don't mean to be that way."

"It is no longer up for discussion. Danger?" I demand.

He runs his hands through his hair making it stand at odd angles, I almost giggle. "You are one of the heirs of Amolderon your life is very valuable. Even more so at the moment with your siblings not present." He pauses to glance at me before turning away again. "Whoever controls the Maleans controls all of Amolderon and a good portion of Venefia."

My nostrils flare, but I'm too mad to think about that statement. "So who here would be a danger to me?"

"Some visitor passing through." He waves his hands as he explains. "Cutes Mutanta is a neutral planet, that means that most are welcome to visit."

"The Deaora?" I gasp.

His nose crinkles, that hit a spot. I need to address that later.

"Perhaps, or any other planet or even country on Venefia who would want to have control over Amolderon."

I frown, then my eyes gleam. "That means I could have you, I mean at the moment since I'm the only Malean that is accounted for. Of course Jincannin will take the throne and then what?" I growl, wow I'm very growly tonight.

"There are too many ifs for us to risk anything. Its better to stay uninvolved and safe." He head is back and he's looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't care," I stay stubbornly.

"Jadis," his voice rumbles a warning. "Let's go to bed."

"I think not!" I stomp, "I am serious about taking a walk out there with Mr. Wolf."

His eyes narrow. "You aren't leaving this hut."

"Oh yeah?" I move towards the door.

"You are being childish. I will throw you over my knee and spank you if you continue to act like one."

"You wouldn't dare." I lunge for the door. In a blink of an eye, I am indeed over Ryen's knee his hand is suspended in the air above my bottom. "No!" I squeal. His hand comes down once, then twice. "Owee!" I howl. "Ryen!" His hand comes down again. I shriek and wiggle free, I am very aware that he let me wiggle free.

His arms cross over his chest, "Are you going to try and leave again?"

I swear my glare should be able to start a fire, "No." I hmph, snatch my book and shove him off the bed. "You can sleep on the ground." I resist the urge to rub my sore bottom. I relight the candle and slip back into the future with all the lovely wolf shifters and of course their delicate mate.

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