Chapter 20

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The new knowledge saddens me, obviously he isn't telling me everything. That's okay though.

"My mother is alive?"


"Why now? Why not a few years ago when-."

"I don't have the answers, I just have an assignment." He growls. I open my mouth to ask, "Enough!" He snaps, and sends his mare into a gallop.

Goddess of course is ready to out run his mare. With an irritated sigh, I let the reins go slack, that's the only signal she needs. She leaps into a full run catching his mare in less than a second. I let Goddess run. I don't let her get too far before gently tapping the reins for her to settle down into a slower gallop then choppy trot. I turn her around Ryen has nearly caught us. His mare is fast.

"Don't run from me," I say to him sternly, "you are outmatched."

His face is stoic for a moment before he bursts out laughing. I laugh too, knowing that only my horse can outrun his. After we settle I frown, "What's your mare's name? I'm shocked she caught up so quickly."

He pats her neck affectionately. "Chantry." He spins her so that we are heading back to Waypoint. "She's a war horse, she's bred for more than just speed."

"Well she's beautiful." Goddess gives a little hop of displeasure. "Sorry girl, you know that you are my one and only." Goddess huffs, but stops with her threats. "Where did you get a war horse?"

He looks at me with a smirk, "Is it so odd that a God has a war horse?"

I laugh, "If you were a God no I don't think it would be odd. Seeing that you are a mercenary I do find it odd."

He quirks an eyebrow at me, "And where did you learn such a big word?"

I roll my eyes, "From that book I read last night. Although it was very strange."

"How so?" He said lazily.

I frown, "It took place in..hmm. I think it must have been the and such."

Ryen nods, "Sounds right. Time hopping is possible, I've heard of a few different worlds that not only connect but can be manipulated into opening different dates. I would think you would be able to find a lot of future type books that were probably written then and brought back. Especially from other planets."

I rub my eyes, finally feeling sleepy. "That's a lot to take in."

"It is indeed."

I look over at him, he's staring ahead watching... giving me the perfect view of his features. His auburn hair is a bit mussed from the gallop, his features remind me of a few of the book covers I saw on the shelves. Utterly delicious.

"Stop drooling." He chuckles.

"Oh, I wasn't looking at you. Where did you get Chantry?" I try to change the focus and wake myself up.

"From the Pirate Queen." He glances at me with a smirk. "She's an infamous pirate that breeds the best horses and ride able beasts."

"Why infamous?" I can't help but want to worship such a woman.

"Because she takes on mostly jobs for clients and always gets the job done. Even if that means stealing and murdering." I gasp, he continues. "The breeding of the best stock is a side hobby. It's also a known fact that she will dispose of an entire crew... most don't ever willingly leave her employment."

My eyes widen, I'm not sure whether I want to worship her or hope to never meet her. "Where would someone find her?"

"You can't really, she frequents a few places on a world once or twice a year. If anyone does need her they have to just wait her out, it's extremely annoying when I need to place an order." He grins, "Worth the wait though, Chantry is an amazing mare."

"Hmm. Fascinating," my eyes glaze over in thought of chasing after the mysterious murderous pirate queen. "What's her name? Could I meet her?"

He shakes his head a faint smile still on his lips, "I only know her as the Pirate Queen, no you may not."

I pout but he ignores me, "I think you're just worried I'll run off with her too."

His lips lift devilishly, "No, you won't leave me."

"Wow," my eyes go wide with the challenge then blaze. "I think you have mistaken your nonexistent charms." I laugh.

"Try me," he growls.

I grin wickedly, "Catch me if you can." As I release Goddess, hands move around my waist and I'm thrown to the ground. "Oh Lord!" I curse. "How did you manage that?" I pant and see Goddess' dust, she'll be back at the stable soon.

"I'm faster than you." He gives me the devilish smirk, he's still on Chantry! "Want to hop on?"

With a glare, I pick myself up and start the long walk back. "No thank you."

"Suit yourself."

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