Chapter 29

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I look around the hut, no where seems appealing to sit. I take the few steps to the door book in hand. As I pull it open I see the dark gray wolf pacing in front of the steps. I freeze watching him.

'Why me?' He snarls.

I cock my head to the side, why him indeed.

He growls and keeps pacing as he watches me. 'Stupid deaora doesn't even mark or claim the wench. He's going to leave her unprotected and venerable.'

I can't tell if he is aware that I can hear him, or if he simply doesn't care. "Wench?" I scoff, "I've been called many things but never a wench."

He huffs and bolts off.

I blink several times, I guess he wasn't aware. A dumb smile spreads across my face and I giggle, I scared off the big bad wolf. I wish Jemmy was here to meet the odd skin changer too. I have to blink again at the wetness suddenly forming in my eyes, she'll be here soon no need to cry.

I make my way back to the comfortable hammock. I wiggle this way and that getting comfortable before I open the book. A few pages in and I'm tearing up again, the heroine has no idea how lucky she has to have so many handsome men at her side. Just as quickly the book turns from heartwarming to lusty. As the book heats up, I do too, and I know I'm blushing oh my goodness. Glancing around, I make sure no one is seeing me react so extreme to a book. Nope.

One couple sits with a group of men obviously friends and they are playing some sort of game. And are loud enough that they wouldn't have noticed me at all. One man however is watching me, I don't care for him something is off mostly because of the scowl directed at me. He looks normal enough, short black hair, sun tanned skin, dressed in a long sleeved tunic and leggings. He could be a cousin of Sebastian. What is his problem? I decide to ignore him and go back to my book.

Ryen finds me as night completely takes over. "Come, we need sleep." He says softly. He lifts me and carries me back to our hut, I'm glaring at him too tired to be annoyed at being carried. The bed looks so inviting I can't wait to be in it. Being mad at him can wait until tomorrow. Why was I mad anyways? When he sets me down I quickly pull off my outer clothes and slip into bed. Ryen does the same, I'm asleep curled up to his chest in minutes.

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