Chapter 23

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Tears form in my eyes, then I remember that the people in Sutle are free to be with whomever they want after their quota of children. No, I always found that to be distasteful. "Why can't I have you both?" I reach for something someway. "I know this isn't a book but what if the book was a sign?"

Ryen closes the space between us, molding my body to his and oh do I feel his need for me. Somehow my breathing picks up even faster, my heart may just jump out of my chest. "As much as I'd take that, things don't work that way in Amolderon."

My hands trail up his arms, around to his back, feeling every delicious muscle. "Why?"

"I cannot go back to Amolderon. Our time would only be now, before I take you back. That isn't fair to get you into that kind of trouble and say goodbye never to see one another again." His hands explore my back too sending shivers down my spine, "I'm not sure I could bare to lose you after having you." His lips meet my temple softly, he pulls back. Then he's gone, just gone leaving me feeling empty.

I hate it, I cry and cry. I don't move for a long time, I let it all out. When the tears stop, I sink under water to wash away the tears and hurt. Holding my breath I just sit at the bottom for a moment.

A snarl startles me up to the surface, a big wolf is at the edge peering down at me. With another growl he backs up away from me then turns and runs into the woods.

"What in the Lord was that?" I gasp.

Feeling uncomfortable now I scramble out of the pool as fast as I can and grab my dirty clothes and put them on while running back.

"It's okay, it's alright. We're on a world of skin changers, of course there are wolf changers too. Just like in my book they aren't bad." I tell myself. I make it to the hut within a few minutes. I brace myself to see Ryen, as I enter I see the candles aren't lit, he isn't here. I'm relieved and scared at the same time, very quickly I slip back out of my clothes and into a large shirt of Ryen's and jump into bed with my book.

This time I'm very aware of the door of the hut opening, I half hide under the blankets as I watch Ryen enter.

"It's just you." I sigh with relief. I stay under the blankets as I remember what had just happened between us. What is worse being almost eaten by a wolf or the only man you've ever loved telling you he won't take you? Loved? I glare at him, blow out the candle and settle down to sleep. I listen for a while to Ryen, he takes off his clothes and gets in bed beside me. I roll onto my side away from Ryen, my tears are gone, I just feel drained and angry.

"Jadis," Ryen breathes against my neck, his breath is oddly hot. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Too late." I growl, my blood is heating up. "You know what, I'll take my chances with the wolf." I throw the blanket off of me, and storm off out of the hut, just in his shirt. I force myself to take deep breaths, and calm down. The wolf is indeed waiting just outside the hut.

'Back inside.' The wolf gives me a warning snarl.

I cock my head, why didn't I hear him at the pool?

Arms wrap around my middle and drag me back inside. "Ryen!" I yelp.

His hand covers my mouth before anyone else hears me. I spin on him when he sets me down and hit him in the jaw. "Don't you dare put your hands on me you have no right! Plus the big bad wolf was just telling me to stay put." I raise my hand up when his lips start to move. "He would have hurt me earlier when he had the chance if that's what he intended." While I'm mad and already yelling might as well bring up something that's been in the far back of my mind, "Why are we 'hiding'? What danger is there?"

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