Chapter 11

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The cave is so quiet, except for the hoofbeats of course. My mind easily wanders back to last night. That sense of familiarity hasn't left with Ryen, and the sense of being safe is still there as well. Who is my new mysterious companion? Obviously he isn't going to tell me anything right now, hmm something neutral to get him talking. Even his voice feels comfortable.

"Ryen, what is Cutes Mutanta? If we are to be staying there I would like to know more about it."

"Do you know what the name means?" He asks.

I shake my head but obviously he can't see it in the dark. "Not a clue."

"Skin changer, meaning that the inhabitants can change into a different being. Most change into one type of animal."

My jaw drops, "That's amazing." I sigh. "Can you imagine?"

"No thanks." He huffs, "fur seems unclean all the time."

I roll my eyes, "Besides being talented and amazing what else can you tell me?"

"By amazing you mean daft?"

"Ryen! Seriously." I growl.

"I know that there are two main land masses. The colors there are unlike any you've ever seen. Very vibrant. I have seen only two of the towns, more advanced than Sutle. Way Point is a small tourist village, where we will stay. Kalipa is their main city on the south mass. It is truly remarkable, and clean for such a large city."

"Will we see it?"

"No, Way Point is the closest village to the caves."

"Where else do these caves connect?" I decide to change the subject. I hope that once we are there I'll be able to go explore.

He's quiet for some time. "Many different planets."

"Please tell me about them." The darkness is starting to get to me again, I want some sort of distraction.

"Well," he sighs, "I haven't traveled to many but, I'll tell you of the few I have visited. First of course Venefia Orbis with its four land masses. Your home planet."

"What are they like?"

"Amolderon is beautiful, comfortable temperatures, green, filled with flowers and fruits. It's never too cold or too warm. Ichru to the north is the closest, it's very hot, closer in more than a few ways to the landscape of Sutle. Then there is Nomison to the North East it has a pleasant mixture of mountains and pastures, it is the most ideal at least to me. To the North West is Chaolren, it's known to be treacherous with frozen steep mountains."

"And it's inhabited?"

"Terra," he continues on ignoring me, "honestly there is much I don't know about it. I really only know the basics. There are only two portals through the caves, one to North America which is where Sutle is, and one to England. There are more hidden from us in Cutes Mutanta."

"Why aren't they known?"

"We are merely guests in other worlds."

I frown at this, "It seems that in Sutle you are doing quite a lot of interfering. I mean pretending to be Gods for centuries."

He snort laughs, "Geez, how old do you think I am?"

"Um, how am I supposed to know?" I retort.

He laughs, "Terra is a bit more open. The beings of it have once been open to all other creatures of different worlds. I do know that at the turn of a millennia a most charming and persuasive half deaora practically took over the other beings, his influence is spreading across the entire world." He chuckles.

"Do you know him?" I ask.

"His father, not him though."

"What is England like?"

"Dark, gloomy and dirty." He chuckles.

"Lovely, any others?"

"Not that I've been to."



"Did you know me? I must have been little..." I'm not sure what I'm even asking. There's just something about his voice that is so familiar, especially when I can't see his face.

"Yes." He says coldly.

"Can you tell me who we are? Who are my parents? Were we happy?" The last part is a whisper. Something awful must have happened for us to have been abandoned.

"I was given orders not to tell you anything more than necessary." His voice is even colder now.

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