Chapter 28

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At last I'm where I want to be, curled up in a hammock in a secluded corner of the courtyard. A colorful blanket is wrapped around me, and I have open the page where I had left off. Ryen to my displeasure sits very close sipping out of a goblet and reading some papers, not the usual that he works on though. Whatever I don't care, I try to convince myself.

"Jadis," Ryen whispers.

"What?" I glare.

"I have to go look for them." He's staring off into the woods not making eye contact

My eyes narrow, "Already?"

"Something could have gone wrong. I should have left today...but I wanted-." He trails off and doesn't continue.

The thought of him leaving causes a searing pain to burst through my chest, the only sign I give of it is a sharp intake of breath. I know I should be concerned for my family, but I know deep in my gut that they're fine.

"You'll have two guards, Sebastian and you'll meet the other tomorrow. Please don't do anything to raise suspicion, I'm not comfortable leaving you as it is." Again his expression is intense and I'm not quite sure what he's thinking.

"I have plenty of books to keep me busy. Can I still ride?" I grin shaking off whatever energy he is projecting.

He frowns for a moment, "I suppose. I'll be gone four days at most." His eyes meet mine with a smolder, "I-I'm honestly not okay with you being so far away from me, but I can't leave my brothers nor can we leave your family behind."

My heart melts that he wants me near. "I don't want our time to be over yet." I pout. "We haven't even-." I couldn't finish my thought without wanting to cry.

"Me either." He whispers, his gaze flicks to my lips then pulls away. Letting me go back to reading. I'm so distracted that I barely read a chapter and I'm not sure that I won't have to go back and read it over.

"I want to go bathe," I throw off my blanket, and take my book with me as I head off to the Lux Falls without waiting for him. I hear his footsteps behind me anyways.

The falls and pool are empty, my spirits lift a little. Quickly I pull my moccasins off and dive into the cool water. I propel myself down to the sand, my dress becoming heavy. Why didn't I just take it off before I get in the water? Didn't I learn from the last time? Once my feet touch the sand I jump back up surfacing in seconds. I gasp for air, then break into a tired crazed laugh, nothing is even funny but still. I swim to the shallow side then walk to the ledge to remove the dress. It's hard to get out of it, strong soft hands pull it over my head and I see it drop in the sand before I even ask for help.

"Thank you," I turn around to see him under the falls and nowhere near me. "How do you do that? I've been meaning to ask."

He doesn't turn to look at me, "I swam." Is the only explanation he gives me.

"Yeah? Well I certainly cannot swim that fast, or run that fast."

"You're weak," he shrugs.

He says no more, nor does he meet my eyes. While we dry off, which bad me I shyly look him up and down every chance I get, very much liking what I'm seeing of his backside. Continuing up the path, he stays a pace in front of me. Back in the safety of the courtyard he just says, 'I'll be back'. It's nearing dark, but I don't want to be inside. Some traitorish part of me wants to listen to Ryen. I make a noise of frustration before stomping into the hut and shutting the door a little too hard.

I have been so distracted by Ryen I'm still on book two of the werewolf series. It's a depressing moment of the story, of course, I know though that by the end of the book everything will balance back out. It better.

"Just like in real life." I mutter.

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