Chapter 7

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*The picture is the path in the summer*

Morning came and went, Runners kept watch making sure I didn't leave. I was told the beast master returned so the livestock are fine. I wondered when Ryen would visit. Jincannin hasn't arrived, nor Chappell with a message from Lord. So I sit and read through a journal I stole from Lord's Tower. Reading is a skill we learned before Sutle. The only thing to read are the journals of the Lords and I've read nearly all of them.

"Jadis?" Jincannin's voice startles me.

I jump up out of my bed and go to the main area. I use my fingers to quickly brush through my hair, then smooth my skirts. Jincannin already sits on the couch, one leg crossed on the other.

"About time you show up." I say. "What's happening out there?"

He sneers at me, my older brother actually sneers. I'm baffled. He flips his shaggy brown hair from his face.

"You did it," he throws his arms out. "Lord Salvatore petitioned the Gods themselves to have you sacrificed. They agreed." He laughs without humor. "Gods Jadis you are an idiot."

I close my mouth realizing it was hanging open. "Are you serious?" I ask nervously.

"Yes. Tomorrow evening will be you last." He's mad now, brown eyes nearly in tears he's so mad at me.

I go back to my room without a word, gather my few belongings into a bag. Then return to Jincannin, his head is in his hands.

"I'm going to run." I tell him simply. "I won't be here when they come for me."

"No you won't." He agrees. "I just wish it wasn't this way. I don't know if I trust the God Ryen but he wishes to help you. You are to run to the far mountains he will help you escape and navigate. We will follow you when it is safe for us to do so."

"You don't have to follow."

"Don't I?" He sneers again. "Jadis we must stick together and go home. Plus you need someone to keep you out of trouble."

My head snaps to look at him, "home?"

"Home," he agrees. "We'll go together."

I nod. He grabs my bag and looks at the spare dress and dagger. "I suppose you are ready. I'll have food sent over, then make haste. Use the river trails."

I scowl, "That's a death sentence too."

"You'll figure it out."

At what I thought was mid afternoon Chappell entered quietly, he set the food on the table then hugs me.

"Be safe."

"You as well. My sisters?"

"In worship."

"All day?"

He nods, "I'll keep an eye on them."

"Thank you, though I am a little sad not to say goodbye." I hug him back the he's off.

Taking inventory as I pack I see he's brought me enough food to last a week on my own! I wonder still how to reach Goddess, that trail can't be usable. I open the door to the icy afternoon. No guards. I start closing it, then realize there are no guards! Shoving the rest of the food quickly into my bag I hurry back outside. Not wanting the chance of escape to go to waste. I turn left to the little bench at the end of the walkway, hop up on it, careful to keep my balance on the ice. Then start searching in the near darkness for the carved handle holds to go over the retaining wall.

Ah there, I feel the small indent with my fingers and fortunately it's not covered in ice like everything else. I find the next indent fairly quickly and in minutes I'm at the top of the wall ducking over just before the Runner resumes his post. I scramble down the wall landing in the wet snow covered sand with a muffled plop.

How in the lord am I going to get to the barn? I sit a moment staring at the dark churning water of the river. I've never seen it so beautiful, full, and dangerous. I go to left away from the retaining wall first to check out the least used of the trails. The path on this side is slick, muddy and treacherous though I assume most will be the same.

Grumbling I start my way slowly up the hillside. I'm nearly halfway up when I start sliding back down. "Crap!" I shout, cursing myself after for being so loud.

A hand is suddenly stopping my decent. My eyes move up to the person. Ryen, he smiles. "Got yourself in a mess I see."

"Always." I chuckle despite the situation. We begin going back up, but I'm not sure how he's doing it.

By the time we've reached the top I'm completely covered in muddy snow. Ryen appears to have made it barely scathed. Ryen wraps an arm around my waist bringing me closer to him and effectively blocking the wind. I was glad it stopped snowing as well.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Anytime. Let's get you saddled-" he pauses, stiffens, "I hear the Runners. I thought you'd have more time." He bites his lip which nearly makes me moan. "I'd better get back before they know I'm missing too." He touches his lips to my forehead. "Your horse knows the path I'll meet you on. Goodbye for now."

Shivers run through me from the soft vibration of his voice against me. When I open my eyes he's gone. I sigh sadly and make my way carefully to the barn.

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