Chapter 31

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I lead the way, silently pondering over the differences of what little I know of between Ryen and Logan. Ryen handsome, charming, and is also very distant. Logan tall, hard and oh so handsome. Having Logan openly want me too, jolts a feeling of need so badly that I just want to attack him and have him take me anywhere.

I groan at the ache in my body, do I want to just make Ryen jealous? No, something is there, you know love at first sight kind of thing? Why do I feel so possessive over both? I want to just scream in frustration. Not to mention there's the lord who's name I need to ask Ryen.

Trying and failing to calm down, tears leak down my face. "This is lordish!" I yelp.

Sebastian rushes me to the hut, so my breakdown can be private. He stands outside by the door waiting not comfortable leaving me alone, "Not entirely sure I understand your words." He's quiet for a moment, "You made everything a little more complicated now." He crosses his arms, as always a bored annoyed look on his face.

"I didn't-."

"If I didn't know better I would say you are a shifter yourself. Willing to flirt with anyone to get attention." He growls.

I blush, "Excuse me? I don't flirt with everyone! Have I ever tried to flirt with you?"

"Ah, uh no." He looks towards the courtyard as if help could be on the way. "I've also and will never give you the chance." His stance seems to change, I can feel more than see his wolf wanting to take over.

"Oh enough." I shush him. I flop onto the bed. "I'm sure you have better things to do."

"Not dying is at the top of my list, which is what would happen if I were to leave you unprotected."

"Why are you assigned to me?" I think back to him as a wolf asking the same thing last night.

He rolls his shoulders, not making eye contact. "It is both an honor and death sentence to work for the Tre. I do not have a choice."

"I think you could probably be replaced if you are that miserable." I say.

My thoughts spin and spin between the two men. I simply want them both, and I will have them both something inside me says. I glance up at Sebastian, he's still turned to the outside. After a few minutes of silence, I sigh, "I think I'm going to read."

With only a nod of acknowledgment, he closes the door staying outside.

I can't seem to stay focused on the book, my mind keeps roaming. The only thing I am absolutely certain of is that they both will be in my life, and mine. Not something temporary to forget next season.

The door opening makes me shriek. "Hey," Ryen says to me, eyeing me suspiciously.

I throw a pillow at him, "Don't scare me like that!"

He gives a short laugh, then stops short seeing that I didn't eat my breakfast. "You need to eat."

"Food doesn't sound good."

Ryen sighs, "I'll go get your dinner. Then we'll talk about whatever it is that's bothering you."

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