Chapter 33

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Sebastian brings me my lunch shortly after Ryen leaves. "Thank you." I say quietly. "Wait."

"Yeah?" He says just as quietly.

"Is Ryen a bad person?"

He doesn't answer.

"Fine, another route then. Are all deaora's evil?"

"No," he says gruffly. "Before you keep asking questions, Ryen isn't all bad, no deaora is good either. Last thing I will address on this topic, I do not care about your love life. Only to keep you alive until Ryen is back." With that last growl he stomps out of the hut kicking the door shut behind him.

I giggle as he leaves. The food is unappealing, some sort of grain and berries. See if I'll have him bring me a meal again. Gross. I notice that Ryen left all the paperwork out, I know that I shouldn't look.. he left it though. Is it really snooping? Of course it is. Oh well.

I leaf through the pages, most is in a language I can't read, bummer. Some however is in the common language. Mostly numbers, and dates. Not so unlike Lord's journals. If they are similar to Lords...hmm. I scan the dates and numbers, a few have abbreviations of a where. In the middle of the list I see Sutle, according to the date it was from the last full moon. The number of sacrifices, and an age list of everyone. They knew everything.

The only thing Ryen's report lacks is the bloodlines that are in the Lords' journals, I guess that would make sense. To deaora creatures are just that, livestock, they leave the Lords in charge of breeding. It sickens me that the town I grew up in is no more than a livestock pen.

Even though it means nothing I skim the rest of the lists, some places have drastically lower numbers. Most are about the same as Sutle. I growl before propelling myself up and off the bed. I hurry to change clothes, loose fitting blue shirt, and loose brown pants.

Sebastian lays on the ground nearby in his wolf skin. "I'm going for a walk." He gruffs as I walk past. I hear him padding after me. I smile, very much liking having him in this form, it's like having a pet wolf.

I start towards Lux Falls, not intending on bathing, instead hoping for a trail to take. The falls are packed! Dozens of people are hanging out around on the sand, more in the water. Music is playing, everything is loud. I watch wearily from a distance, before deciding that it would be best not to interfere. Shaking my head at the strangeness of this place, the party seems like fun, still not something I'm comfortable with.

As I turn around bumping into someone. "I'm sorry." I say automatically. Blinking I realize it's the woman from earlier today. "Oh, hi again!"

She snarls at me. Actually snarls! "Watch yourself. The deaora isn't here to protect you."

I laugh, this is how I'm used to being treated in Sutle. The women were always rude and angry.

"What are you laughing at?" She snarls. I notice there is no one around her, she snuck up on me for some reason this wasn't accidental. She sniffs my shoulder that Ryen marked. Her golden eyes glimmer, "I see, you think you are protected now." Her nails extend turning into a small claws. "If I were you, and thank the moons I'm not, I would be hiding in that hut until the deaora returns."

"That's pretty cool!" I clap. "How did you do that with your nails?" I laugh, I'm sure it sounds crazed. I smirk at her, "It's not like I'm alone out here."

Sebastian, no longer in his wolf skin and thankfully clothed, pushes the woman back away from me. The noise coming out of his throat is all wolf. With wide eyes the woman backs away. "I'm sorry Basty. I forgot you..." She bows down to him. Making me very curious as to his position here. Her eyes move back to me, "watch your back." She snarls out as she leaves to join the party.

I follow Sebastian back to the courtyard. "Thank you." I tell him.

"Do you still want to go on your walk?" He asks.

I nod.

He nods, "Let's go." He keeps his pace slow to stay with me. "Don't interact with others besides Logan and I."

Shivers run through me at the mention of Logan. I raise an eyebrow I correct Sebastain, "I very clearly chose not to go to that party. She ambushed me remember?" I shake my head, "Why did you wait so long to step in?"

He scratches his head, "I had to change. Now come on, we're just going to lap the village for as long as you need."

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