Chapter 014

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"I never knew you'd be dating Song Iseul. I thought you only liked her because she looked like Onda?" Yeji teased, pulling away from the hug. Hyunjin scowled, folding his arms as he glared at the front doors, where their mother had just gone.

"And that's exactly why I stopped dating her. She just looked pretty, but her attitude sucks." Yeji prodded his forehead, causing Hyunjin to stagger back in surprise. "It's your fault for dating a pick me." Hyunjin stuck out his tongue, ruffling Yeji's hair.

"I should get going. Dad left 2 hours ago." Hyunjin dragged out a sigh before grasping onto Yeji's wrists, trapping them in his hands before staring at her earnestly. Yeji anticipated what he would say, moving her head slightly backward. "Don't be scared anymore. He won't do anything now that mom's on our side."

Yeji smiled wistfully, staring at the curb absent-mindedly. Hyunjin dusted Yeji's shoulders off, grinning playfully. "Come again soon, alright?" Hyunjin said eagerly, causing Yeji to nod her head instantly despite the fear for her father.

"Send my love to mom!" Yeji yelled after Hyunjin, who waved her off before walking into the house. Yeji smiled silently, turning her head to see her father walking toward the house, occupied with his phone.

Yeji scurried across the road, putting up her handbag to prevent him from seeing her face while she secretly peered at him. She lowered her handbag down when she saw him walk into the house, the door closing after him.

She sighed sadly, massaging her temple on the right side of her head as she continued walking. "If only I knew the reason he hates me so much."


Yeji walked through the streets of her neighborhood, swinging the paper bag to and fro. As she neared her apartment, she spotted a familiar figure in the playground on the swings.

"Hi, Soo-jun!" Yeji exclaimed cheerfully, seeing Soo-jun swinging alone sadly. "Oh, hi Ms. Hwang." Soo-jun sighed, attempting to sound like her normal, cheery self.

Yeji chuckled, ruffling the youngers' hair. "What's wrong?" Soo-jun pouted, folding her arms. "My best friend, Kang Sena, is a little backstabber. Just because her parents won the lottery she has the right to leave her best friend for the popular kids?" Soo-jun shrieked sassily, jumping out of the swing and pacing around. Yeji winced, seeing the furious expression on Soo-jun's face.

"Yikes, that's tough. It happened to me before too." Soo-jun's head snapped toward the direction of Yeji's voice. "Can you tell me about it?" Soo-jun asked curiously, crouching down to Yeji's feet and looking up at her with her big doe eyes.

"Han-Wool. I remember him super well." "It was a boy?" Soo-jun gasped dramatically. Yeji chuckled, raising an eyebrow in mock suspicion. "What's wrong with boys?" "They're mean to girls. The boys in my class keep on complaining we scream too much."

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