Chapter 038

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[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]


Yeji looked at herself in the mirror, studying her lips as she applied the red lipstick. She smacked her lips as she looked at herself in the mirror, all dressed up wearing a white flare dress.

She then proceeded to take one of her hair elastics to tie her hair up. While she gathered the black and pink strands of her hair, her eyes strayed toward the two pieces of paper clipped together, reading her speech under her breath as she tried to memorize her speech last minute.

A knock at the door brought her out of her trance before she looked at herself, pulling on the skirt before walking toward the door. She opened the door to see Yeonjun standing there, grinning at her with his graduation hat and a smart tux.

Yeonjun's school had its graduation in the morning, while Yeji's was in the afternoon, giving Yeonjun ample time to wash up and get ready to support his girlfriend.

Yeji grinned as she removed the hat on his head, pecking his lips afterward before walking in, Yeonjun following after her. He watched her adoringly as she continued to get ready, fixing her hair before stuffing her speech into her handbag.

"Nervous?" Yeonjun asked in amusement as he snaked his arms around her waist, entrapping her. Yeji placed her arms on his chest as she nodded, pouting slightly before snuggling her head into his comfy tux. He hummed as he played with the chain of her necklace.

"You go up there and show how capable Hwang Yeji is." Yeji chuckled slightly as they pulled away, locking eyes as they looked at each other with the same amount of adoration.

"By the way, I haven't told Hyunjin about us...I'm going to do it today when they pick us up." Yeji bit her lip, looking at Yeonjun anticipatingly as she could feel him tensed up about it.

A small smile of relief played on her lips as she watched Yeonjun nod his head, fluttering his eyes close as he placed his chin on her bare shoulder, sending shivers down her spine.

"I think we should go, Hyunjin should be downstairs by now." Yeji played with his newly-dyed blonde hair, humming as she felt Yeonjun's grip loosen as he pulled away, scrunching his nose.

Yeji slung her handbag on her shoulder, slipping on her heels as Yeonjun laced his fingers with hers. Yeonjun couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that his girlfriend was powerful, the sound of her heels clicking following after her as they walked toward the lift.

He glanced at Yeji, smiling slightly and seeing her determined look, her eyes narrowed as she pursed her lips, giving her a very badass look. The white dress paired with her fair skin also gave the impression she was actually a goddess.

"Don't worry, I won't rest until I get your family' s consent, okay?" Yeonjun assured her, rubbing her back before he smiled at her encouragingly, Yeji having turned her head to face him.

She gave a dreamy smile as they waited for the lift, Yeji's grip slowly tightening on Yeonjun's hand, feeling her anxiousness rise. The familiar feeling of wanting to hurl her food out showed how anxious she actually was.

True to what Yeji said, Hyunjin and his mother were waiting at the car park, both standing next to the car as they started conversing. Yeji told Yeonjun to stay there before running to her family as fast as she could in heels.

"Yeji! You look just like IU in 'Lilac'!" Ji-won gushed as she looked at her beautiful daughter, smiling adoringly at her as she engulfed her in a hug. Yeji looked at Hyunjin in amusement, seeing him shift around uncomfortably in his tux.

"Oh yeah...I have something to tell you guys." Yeji smiled nervously as her mother nodded eagerly, holding onto her hands. Yeji took a deep breath before pointing to Yeonjun who stood relatively far away.

Hyunjin's eyes hardened seeing the familiar male, who waved at them awkwardly, not knowing what was happening when Yeji pointed at him. Ji-won gasped, recognizing the male as she turned to face Yeji eagerly.

"That's my new boyfriend."

"WHAT?!" both of her family members screamed, her mother out of pure glee and Hyunjin with pure disbelief. Ji-won squealed, pleading for Yeji to call him over as she offered the widest smile she could muster to Yeonjun.

Yeji looked at Hyunjin pointily before calling Yeonjun over, who happily obliged and jogged toward them. He bowed to Yeji's mother politely before glancing at Hyunjin. He offered a friendly smile as he inclined his head, Hyunjin staying indifferent despite Yeonjun being older than him.

Ji-won nudged Hyunjin, glaring at him. Hyunjin sighed irritably before bowing as well, looking at Yeonjun in detest. The four of them stood there, in awkward silence as Hyunjin continued glaring at Yeonjun.

"Could you guys get in the car? I wanna talk to Yeonjun..." Hyunjin mumbled, glancing at his sister and mother. Both girls gave him a warning glare before turning to face Yeonjun, giving identical smiles which would've made Yeonjun laugh if the situation wasn't so serious.

He watched them get in the car, her mother visibly excited as she talked with Yeji. His head snapped toward Hyunjin hearing him clear his throat. Yeonjun looked at him, placing his hands in front politely despite being the elder.

"Do you need any more convincing? We both love each other, and we're dating now." Yeonjun looked at Hyunjin with soft eyes, knowing how protective he could be of his sister. Hyunjin sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"It's not you, it's just...she's been hurt too many times. I-" "You don't want me in the equation because you're afraid I'll cause more pain." Yeonjun smiled slightly at the younger, looking into his worry-filled eyes. A small chuckle left his lips as he patted Hyunjin on the shoulder.

"Believe me, the last thing I want to bring is pain. I want to give Yeji the whole world, because...she's special." Yeonjun's eyes wandered toward the car, where Yeji sat still talking with her mother animatedly. Hyunjin studied the expression that laid on Yeji, only seeing pure adoration in his eyes.

"One wrong move, you're going to die by these hands." Hyunjin sighed before offering one last glare to Yeonjun. He broke into a smile, causing Yeonjun to mentally sigh in relief as he thanked the younger, bowing repeatedly.

"Don't worry...I'm dating Yeji with the intention of marrying her." Hyunjin's eyes widened in surprise at Yeonjun. He never expected him to be so serious about the relationship, but it gave him some peace in his heart knowing his sister was going to be in good hands.

"Not too soon, though," Hyunjin warned, breaking into laughter with Yeonjun after a few seconds of silence. This caught Yeji's attention as she stared at the two joking around, smiling at both of them lovingly.

"You sure are lucky with men in your life." Ji-won chuckled teasingly, making Yeji look at her in playful annoyance. Yeji nudged her slightly before the boys also entered the car.

Everyone gave Yeji some encouragement before they drove off toward her school. Yeji leaned back into the car seat, a soft smile spread on her lips as she stared out her window.

How lucky she was.



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