Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

It was the end of the day.

I cleaned up my unit and headed to the locker to freshen up and head home for the day.

Jennie hadn't been seen for the rest of the afternoon and I had to find another instructor to check my patient out, so I was curious to why she had disappeared.

Maybe I should go tell her how things went with the patient. Well I'm sure something just came up then. But I was curious to where she took off to. 

I wondered whether she was in her office. I questioned myself whether to stop by or not. It had been such a strange day with her being so helpful and coming up to me and being really nice and affectionate, and my curiosity just got the best of me so I decided to walk by her office after I freshened up.

Just by luck I noticed I had packed some of my pheromones in my bag so I sprayed some on, smiled to myself in doing so, and then headed off to her office not knowing whether she would be there or not, or what I would find. 

I walked by Jennie's office, the door was shut but I could hear some movement inside. I hesitated a few minutes before knocking, questioning whether I should stop by or not, and if it seemed foolish as an excuse to stop by to tell her how my patient went, but oh well, here goes, and I knocked on the door. A few minutes went by so I knocked again, still no answer. 

"Jennie are you in there?" I said after a few minutes. There was no answer so I was about to turn around and leave when Jennie answered the door. It looked like she had been crying.

"Umm...I'm sorry if this is a bad time I can come back later," I quickly added.

"No Lisa, come on in." Jennie wiped the tears from her face and sat down. "So what brings you by, Lisa? Is everything okay?" 

"Yes things are fine, in fact I just wanted to tell you about Mr. Schultz, the patient I had today. Since you were gone later this afternoon I got Joan to check him out for me, but I just wanted to let you know how it went..." 

I hesitated for a moment.

"...but I can see that maybe I shouldn't have stopped by. I'm sorry...this isn't a good time, so I'll leave." I got up to leave when Jennie stopped me. 

"No Lisa, it's alright. Sit down and tell me about today." 

I felt foolish sitting there rambling on about my patient but she genuinely seemed interested in me and wanting to know how I was doing.

I was quite surprised how at ease it was talking to her. She didn't seem like this ominous authority figure to me anymore, but someone actually down to earth; someone I could talk to.

Something had changed, or maybe it was just the way I perceived things. I don't know, but she definitely seemed more approachable. 

Before I knew it I was rambling on about my life, school, and things till I finally realized I had taken up a lot of her time. 

I nervously stood up, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take up so much of your time. I'm heading home. I just wanted to let you know how today went with my patient." 

"No, its okay Lisa, its actually refreshing to listen. I'm glad things are going better for you," Jennie said with a sad smile.

"Why are you sad, Jennie...?" I thought.

"Umm...Jennie, I know its really none of my business, but are you okay? I mean you seemed a bit upset when you first opened the door...I'm sorry I shouldn't pry." 

I felt embarrassed for even asking her that. As I started to turn around and leave, not a few seconds of silence went by that Jennie started to cry again.

 "Oh God, now what am I suppose to do?" I asked to myself then looked at her. 

Jennie wiped her eyes, and just began to talk and cry. She told me that she and her husband were having some problems and that he moved out for a while. She had just gotten his phone call earlier that afternoon saying he was moving out. 

I didn't want to pry and ask her why he left, so I just let her continue to talk.

Here this woman was pouring her heart out to me. I had never seen her like this before. She was always so strong and in control that seeing her like this was very hard for me.

I wanted to reach out and hold her...comfort her, but I knew I couldn't. 

She looked at me and wiped her eyes again, sniffled and said, "I'm sorry Lisa, I didn't mean to lay all of this on you and be a sobbing mess here." 

"No, don't apologize, its quite alright. I want to help if I can." I reached out and touched her hand and looked into her eyes. I smiled and told her I'm sure things would work themselves out. 

"You're a very beautiful woman Jennie , I'm sure your husband knows that. You guys will work through this." 

I couldn't believe what I was saying to her, telling her how beautiful she was, but I just couldn't stop myself, for it was the truth. 

"I'm sorry," I said and slightly pulled my hand away. 

It felt good to hold her hand but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Now I was the one feeling uncomfortable. I could feel a flush starting in my body and I had to get out of there and breathe. 

Jennie looked at me as I pulled my hand away and asked me if I really thought she was beautiful. Now I was definitely feeling a little warm and had to get out of here. 

"Yes of course, Jennie you're very beautiful, anyone would be a fool to not see that."

"Oh God what am I saying here?" I said to myself.

I need to get the hell out of here before...just then Jennie grabbed my hand as I was preparing to leave. 

"Lisa, what do you see?" Jennie stared at me waiting for an answer. 

"W-what do you mean what do I see?" I nervously asked.

"I mean, do you see me as beautiful as someone you'd be attracted to?"

"Jennie, I don't know what you're asking, and I think I better go before I say or do something we might regret," I started rambling, wanting to escape.

"Lisa are you attracted to me?" Jennie repeated with a firm voice.

"Oh shit, why did she have to ask me that?" I hesitated in answering her and turned my back and was ready to run the hell out of there. 

She stood up and I felt her approach me from behind, and again she asked me if I was attracted to her.

I slowly turned around and saw her eyes so close to me. She was the most beautiful I had ever seen her. Her eyes were so sexy at that moment, I wanted to reach up and kiss her right then. 

"Lisa, this past year of teaching you and seeing you grow and improve your clinical skills, I've noticed things change in me. You seemed so different than any of the other students and not so easily approachable. Always so quiet and to yourself. It drew me to you even more. I didn't know how to approach you. Maybe I have been a little more tough on you than the others, but I see so much more potential in you. I'm sorry for being so hard on you this year. It seems this summer we're both going through some changes. I've noticed you seem more confident and aware of yourself these past few weeks," She said smiling at that last statement.

At that moment Jennie reached with her hand and caressed my face. "Lisa I don't understand these feelings myself but..." 

"'s alright, you don't have to say it." I reached up and placed my fingers over her lips.

Dead silence passed between us as we looked into each other's eyes. I ran my fingers slightly over her soft lips. I looked into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity. I mustered up all my courage and slowly leaned in.





.....She didn't stop me. 

Secret Love (Jenlisa)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin