Chapter 10

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Lisa's POV

I opened my eyes and gasped. I realized I had drifted to sleep for less than 5 minutes without noticing. What I did notice was the sharp pain that I suddenly felt on my side.

I groaned while getting into a sitting position, lifted my shirt slowly, removed the bandage and noticed that a bit of discharge was oozing out of the stitches and the gauze was dirty.

I decided to change the gauze but had trouble keeping the shirt rolled up, so I slowly removed my shirt while groaning and cursing in pain.

Although Jennie did make me feel really welcome in her home, I didn't want to bother her all the time in order to help me. She was already preparing food for us. I didn't want to add more to her plate; no pun intended.

After cleaning the would and changing my bandages I tried to put my shirt on again but it was a little more difficult than I thought. Each time I raised my arms above my head to maneuver the shirt I would once again pull on the stitches on my side. The pain was a little bit too much but I tried again. 

"Damn it!" I yelled out getting frustrated. Jennie must have heard me 'cause within seconds she was at the door looking me while asking if everything was okay. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, Jennie. Just having trouble getting my t-shirt on," I said a bit embarrassed. 

"Every time I raise my arms to get the shirt over my head, I pull on my stiches. I guess I'm not supposed to raise my arms yet. This is so frustrating. A stupid simple task like this shouldn't be so damn difficult!" I threw the t-shirt on the bed. 

I realized Jennie was standing there watching me and I was only in my bra. I suddenly felt a bit shy and nervous. 

"Here," Jennie said as she walked over to me, "let me help you." 

Jennie picked up my t-shirt, put it over my head and helped me raise my arms into the arm sleeves. I felt like a kid with their mom dressing them. It was very unnerving because the woman of my fantasies was the one helping me get dressed. 

"Thanks, Jennie...and I'm sorry." I looked down feeling like I was a burden. 

Jennie gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "Lisa, please don't feel sorry. I know you're not totally recovered yet. If you need help with things, please just tell me, okay? I know you might feel a bit embarrassed, but please don't feel that way. I want you to feel comfortable around me. Please don't feel that you're a burden either, 'cause you're not. I brought you back here to my place so I could help you." 

"Thanks, Jen. I really do appreciate all that you're doing for me. I really don't know how I can repay you." 

"Don't worry about it. You have nothing to repay me for, so don't even think that way. Just focus on getting better. So now that that's settled, how about some lunch? It's almost ready."

Before I could respond and thank Jennie, she rushed off again down the stairs. It seemed like lately all I was saying was 'thank you' to her. 

I gently gathered a couple of pillows, slowly seated myself on the bed and turned on the TV. Not much was on, and I wasn't used to being home during the week watching TV. Usually at this time of day I was still at school.

I was starting to miss school. I knew Jennie would be going back to work tomorrow. Me on the other hand, I knew I'd really blown my chances. It had been a couple of weeks I had missed so far, and I knew there was no way I could get all of my clinical requirements in before graduation now. It saddened me, but I figured maybe something could be worked out. I just don't know what that something is.

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