Chapter 33

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~Week of the convention~

Lisa's POV

It was late at night. The convention center was really full, although people were slowly leaving.

It had been a full week of long busy days and many speeches given, but all in all it was an excellent presentation they had put together.

By the third day of the convention I'd completely lost any hopes I had to see Jennie. I guess it was a sign that I should finally give up. 

Regarding the convention, I was quite pleased with the new information and insights I had learned from others. I was excited to apply them on my own research and practice.

The convention ended with me delivering a speech that finally wrapped up a successful week. I had to leave for some of the speeches though since I had other business to attend to, so I did miss one or two that were given but I was present the majority of the time.

As I was gathering my reports and paperwork to leave, Jackson came up to me. He was a dentist I had come to know over the years from going to the conventions. We had come to be good friends and he was a mutual friend of Jisoo's as well.

"Lisa, congratulations! What a great speech...It was excellent! You do always seem to wow us at the end."

"Yeah, sure thing Jackson," I said smiling as I gathered my things.

"No really, that was a great presentation. So, when are you going to come and work for me?" 

I shook my head, smiling. "You're never going to give up, are you?"

"Nope, not when you're one of the best researchers and hygienists I've known."

I looked at him. "Well, you know I'm currently happy where I'm at."

"Yeah, I know. Can't blame a guy for trying," he said smiling. "Hey, why don't you join me for supper tonight?"

"Oh, I can't, Jack. I would like, but I have some stuff I need to work on before I leave tomorrow."

"You know, you work yourself too hard, Lisa. You need to take a break some time and have a life."

"Well, you're not the first one to tell me that," I said with an arched brow. "Let me guess, you've been talking to Rosé and Jisoo...right?"

"Ahh...busted," he said laughing.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I really do appreciate you guys' concern. But you have nothing to worry about...really."

"Well, I tried," he said with a shrug and patting me on my back. "Anyway, I better take off, it's getting late. Maybe next time?"

"Yeah, maybe," I laughed as Jackson walked off the stage and waved goodbye. 

I zipped my briefcase, hung the strap around my shoulders, and headed down the stairs of the stage. I casually looked up when I laid eyes on someone in the distance, talking with another guest speaker, and their back facing me. 

No...don't tell me. It can't be...

I hold my breath and frown as memories come flashing. I then saw the guest speaker leave, but the other person stayed behind, leaning on a wall near the conference room's exit while looking at their phone. Waiting for someone perhaps?

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