Chapter 12

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A/N: Double update! Make sure to read Chapter 11 first. ;)


Lisa's POV

After spending some quality time together, Jennie got up and helped me up. She helped me up the stairs to the bedroom. I went into the bedroom, but didn't have a clue where my clothes were.

Jennie had headed to the bathroom so I scrambled around and yelled, "Jennie, do you know where my clothes are, the others you brought in earlier?!"

"Oh yes, sorry about that! I put some of your clothes in the dresser, in the drawer near the TV stand," Jennie said as she walked in.

When I went to your apartment I wasn't sure what to pack so I grabbed quite a few of your things and placed them in the drawers there. I hope you don't mind?"

"No, I don't mind at all. I gave you my keys to get some of my clothes, I guess I didn't expect you to pack my whole apartment...I'm kidding!" I said smiling at her. "Thanks, Jennie, I appreciate it. Did you happen to pack any of my pj's in there when you went to my apartment?"

"Um, no, I didn't see any. What do you normally sleep in?" Jennie said a bit shy at asking that question.

"Well, normally in the summer I just sleep in my underwear and a shirt, but I do have some summer pj's that I wear if I have company staying over." I said smiling again at Jennie.

"Well, feel free to sleep in anything you want, and if you need to borrow any of my t-shirts or anything just let me know, okay?"

"Thanks, Jennie. Well, tonight I think I'll just wear these shorts and this shirt. I don't want to gross you out with all my bandages showing so I'll keep them covered."

"Lisa, please don't say that. You wouldn't gross me out with seeing your injuries. You're here to recover, remember. And I'm here to help you. So anyway, while we're on that subject, can I help you change any of your bandages?"

"Um...well, I did change some of my bandages earlier but I forgot to use the medicine the doc gave me. Still, I don't want to bother you with this, Jennie,"  I said hesitantly.

"Lisa, please, come on now. Here, tell me what we need to do and I'll help you."

"Well, can you help me remove this shirt? It hurts too much for me to lift my arms up too high." Jennie walked over to me and helped me slip off my t-shirt.

My bandages covered where the doctors had operated, and some I wore as constriction around my ribs to help them repair. 

"Jen, can you reach around here? Yeah, there, that's good. The medicine is in my bag over there near the bed. The doctor wants me to wash over the area with it to keep it sterile. I also have some bandages I brought from the hospital." 

Jennie grabbed the sterile solution and helped me remove my bandages. She told me to lay down as she cleaned the area for me. I was a bit embarrassed and apprehensive with this but she made me feel at ease. So I laid down on the bed on my side as Jennie was behind me.

"Lisa if this hurts let me know, I'll try and do this as gently as I can." 

"Okay, Jennie. Don't worry I'm use to the nurse doing this so it's okay really."

Jennie grabbed some sterile gauze and solution and began to gently clean the area where my stiches were. I jumped a little at first contact but then relaxed into it as Jennie continued. The bruises and cuts were still evident from my accident but were healing rather nicely. Even my ribs weren't as sore and I seemed to have a little more movement. 

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