Chapter 32

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[Six years later]

Lisa's POV

Though all this time had passed, I still often thought of Jennie and wondered how she was. I never got involved with anyone again after her. Though I tried to date, I just could never get into it. My heart would always long for Jennie. I just couldn't get over it to be with someone else, so I stayed alone.

I decided to put all of my time and energy these past few years into my work and my career. I finished up my Master's degree in Research, and, well...did a lot of research and development with dental products and services. I also traveled to different countries for conventions, as well as working in private practices.

I worked for Jisoo for a couple of years, but once I received my research degree and began traveling quite a bit, I advanced in my career and had other offers and opportunities.

Though I didn't work for Jisoo anymore, we still remained in contact and remained good friends. We even hung out occasionally. She had been a wonderful boss to work for those first couple of years, and really gave me my first break in everything and in starting out my career.

And now here I am, I travel everywhere and give speeches on new developments and such. I write for a few dental journals as well, so I've kept myself pretty busy these past few years. I've had to put my everything into what I do, and not only for survival, but also to not think of my own problems and my past.

It has helped me a great deal. I love my work and find great pleasure in all that I have accomplished in that time, so I don't feel I've wasted my life by not having a social and dating life. I feel I get all I need from my work and helping others, and I'm content with that.

I remember telling Rosé one time, so long ago it seems now, that it was a small world because she had family out here. Well, she ended up calling me out of the blue a few years ago. She did stay behind for a year or so in South Korea and worked in the city where we graduated, but then she decided to come out here.

I didn't know if I was ever going to return to South Korea. Now that Rosé was going to move here, I didn't have anything or anyone waiting for me there, except my car. So, as much as it pained me, I decided to give permission to Rosé to sell my car before she came. It was a tough decision to make and it made me nostalgic. I won't even deny it. I cried.

So she called me up one afternoon, tracking me down at the University of Pennsylvania since I was still working with Jisoo at the time. Actually, it was just before I left there and started out my research. I was quite surprised but it was nice to hear from her.

We met up and started to hang out occassionally as well. On one of the occassions I introduced her to Jisoo. It was love at first sight for both of them, so I guess you could say I brought them together.

Rosé now works for Jisoo as her hygienist, and I actually think their four year anniversary is coming up soon, which reminds me, I better put that down in my date book.

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