Chapter 3

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Lisa's POV

I looked up and it was Rosé, my classmate from school, the new transfer student. I wiped my eyes and rolled down the window. 

"Lisa, are you okay?" Rosé asked. "I saw you run to your car upset, and I just wanted to come over and see if you were okay." 

"Hi, Rosé," I sniffled and wiped my face. "That's really sweet of you, but I'm fine. I'm just not feeling too good today, so I'm going to skip clinic this afternoon and head home. I might take a few off-days from clinic. I just need to get some things together. But I'm okay, thanks for asking."

"Lisa are you sure your okay? I'm a great listener." 

"That's really nice of you Rosé but don't worry I just need some time to myself. Can you do me a favor though? Can you tell Joan that I won't be in this afternoon and that I am taking the rest of the week off from clinic? I would really appreciate that." 

"Is that wise to be taking this time off so soon before graduation? Anyway, shouldn't I tell Jennie? She would need to know." 

"No, I'm sure Joan will let her know. And I have a few off days anyway so it shouldn't affect graduation credits, and one of the other students or you if you'd like can take my patients for this week. It shouldn't be a problem. Can you tell Joan for me, please?" I begged.

"Sure Lisa. Will I see you on Monday?" 

"Yeah, hopefully. Don't worry, I'm fine okay? Look I have to go, so I'll talk to you later then. Thanks, Rosé!" 

"Okay, Lisa , see you next week," Rosé waved goodbye to me as I drove off down the road. 

Third Person POV

"Oh Lisa this isn't wise at all," Rosé thought. "I need to go tell Jennie what you're planning. You shouldn't be taking this whole week off. Well maybe Jennie will be able to talk some sense into you," Rosé thought to herself. "Hmmm...Yes, I need to go see Jennie and tell her. I'll go do that now." 

A knock came at the door. 

"I wonder who that is now?" Jennie spoke to herself trying to calm her nerves down after talking with Lisa. "Get yourself together here Jennie, people can't see you like this." 

Jennie straightened herself up and cleared her throat. 

"Yes, who is it?" Jennie called out.

"Jennie, it's Rosé. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a few moments." 

Jennie opened the door for Rosé. 

"Yes come in. What can I do for you?" Jennie asked. 

"Umm...well, I'm not sure if I should be saying this because Lisa will get mad at me, and I'm going against her wishes by coming to you, but I thought you should know that I just saw her pretty upset leaving in her car. She had asked me to go to Joan and tell her that she wouldn't be in all week and that she's taking her off-days for clinic. I tried to tell her with graduation around the corner that I didn't think it was wise but she didn't listen, and said she needed some time to herself."

Rose heavily sighed and continued, "Look, I know it's really none of my business, but I'm just a little concerned is all. She did seem really upset for some reason. Anyway, I just thought you should know." 

Jennie furrowed her brow but then smiled and replied, "Thanks Rosé, you did the right thing by coming to me. Don't worry, I'll handle this okay? I'll talk with Lisa , but in the meantime maybe you should try and schedule some of her patients with yours as well." 

"Alright, Jennie, I'll do that," said Rosé as she walked out the office. 

"Hmmm...Lisa, what am I going to do with you?" Jennie pondered to herself then sighed. 

Lisa's POV

After leaving Rosé standing in the parking lot, I started to drive. I didn't know where I was headed but I just had to get out of there. A nice cold drink I think would do the trick. I decided to drive to the local bar. Yeah, at 10am in the morning, I'm sure to have the whole place to myself. 

"Damn, I missed the exit, well, I will take the next one," I thought to myself as I swerved back onto the highway. 

I was crazy to think that she could feel the same for me. Who was I trying to kid? My thoughts were driving me crazy, and the tears continued to come. My eyes were blinded from the tears, and I wasn't watching my driving too well as I swerved back and forth from the edge of the road. The exit was coming up fast, so I took a sharp turn to make it onto the next exit to take the highway back into town. My sobbing continued to increase, and I wasn't watching my speedometer or how sharp I took that exit. 

I furiously wiped the tears from my eyes and the next thing I knew was my car flipping over in the ditch. 

It all happened so quickly. 

I felt the car swerve off the exit ramp but I couldn't get control of the steering wheel. 

Time was motionless as I felt the weight of the car twisting and turning into the ditch. Every effort to gain control was useless. 

My voice was silent. I couldn't even scream out. 

I felt no pain as my body was flung motionless into the steering wheel and compartments of the car. 

Then I remember nothing. 

I could hear sirens around me, and people shouting, but everything was black and still. 

I thought I could hear people talking to me, but it sounded so distant and muffled that I couldn't let them know I was okay. 

I tried to talk, to tell them where I was, but nothing would come out. 

Then the blackness and silence engulfed me.

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