Chapter 21

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Lisa's POV

It felt refreshing to finally let my leg "breathe".

As the nurse cleaned up my leg I thought my leg muscles felt and looked a little weak from no use, but either way I was glad the cast was finally off.

The doctor showed me how to put the brace on to help stabilize my leg. He told me that I no longer needed to wear any constriction around my ribs as they looked healed up enough.

"Alright, Lisa, you're all set. I'm really glad that everything turned out really well for you. Try to take it easy for a little while longer, but everything looks really good. You've done a great job in recovering and allowing your body to heal." Dr. Sou finished writing in my chart as he spoke.

"Thanks Dr. Sou, for everything. I owe a lot of my recovery to you as well...and well actually, I owe you my life..." I said smiling.

I paused for a moment. "...And Jennie was so great to have let me stay at her place to heal. I think that really had such a significance to my recovery. Anyway, thanks for all your time and effort that you did for me."

"I'm just glad that things turned out the way they did. Good luck with school. I hope all that works out for you."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

Dr. Sou said goodbye and left the room as I changed back into my clothing.

It felt weird not having the cast on anymore, but it felt good to have that freedom back. The leg brace helped a lot with stablizing my weight. I was a bit nervous at first to take my first step without the crutches but after a few steps my body adjusted to my weight and I was walking with no problem.

I left the examination room, checked out at the front desk then called for a taxi to take me to the auto shop.

I waited by the front entrance as I saw the taxi pull up. I climbed in and we were off to get my car.

It felt great to finally have my freedom and independence back again. Now only if Jennie could be a part of all of that with me.

The cabdriver pulled up to the auto shop, I paid him and climbed out. I walked into the office of the shop and a man was standing there.

"Hi, my name is Lisa Manoban, I called someone last week about picking up my car today."

"Let's see...ummm...Yes! I have all your paperwork right here. Please sign these release forms and then I can get the car for you."

"Okay, thanks," I said as I grabbed a nearby pen and signed the papers.

"I'll be right back. Your car's parked out back," the man said as he ran off.

I stood there waiting for him then I saw him a few moments later driving my car up front.

I walked outside to meet him as he hopped out of my car and handed me my keys. "Wow, I finally have my car back, and it even looks better I must say," I said laughing.

"Yes, your brother had us do a complete makeover on it." Leo, you're the best.

"Well, I think it looks really great," I turned and looked at the guy. "So is there anything else I need to do, or sign, anything to pay?"

"Nope, everything is set and you're free to go."

"Okay, thanks again, bye bye," I said as I climbed into the front seat.

It felt great to finally be sitting in my car again. I rubbed my hands over the steering wheel and smiled in amusement. I took a deep breath and startedthe car.

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