Chapter 31

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Lisa's POV

For a moment time stood still as our eyes met, then Jennie looked away and finished her speech before calling each of us up to the stage to receive our diplomas.

My name was called as I slowly left my chair and made my way up to the stage. I felt my palms sweating and my heart beating out of my chest as I got closer to Jennie.

She smiled and congratulated me as she handed me my diploma. I could still see the love and pain in her eyes beneath her smile, as our eyes momentarily met once more.

I returned to my seat with my diploma as we waited for the other students to receive theirs. When we all returned back to our seats, we stood awaiting the speaker's signal congratulating us as we threw our hats up into the air and cheered.

We turned to each other and hugged and congratulated each other, hugging and crying and saying our final goodbyes and wishing everyone well. I came up to Rosé and we hugged each other. I gave her the key to my car and kept a spare.

I decided to leave it in her care since I didn't know how much time I would be gone. She promised to keep it in her house and take care of it. She also promised to look me up if she ever made it out to America, and we hugged goodbye.

After saying our goodbyes, the auditorium was becoming empty since many had left. I was about to head back to my apartment when I felt a hand tap me on my shoulder.

I turned around and it was Jennie. She congratulated me and asked me how I was doing. I told her I was well, though that was a strict lie. She said things were okay with her as well, though I think we both knew otherwise and that we were only being polite with each other.

I told her I was leaving the day after tomorrow and she got this distant sad look in her eyes even though she wished me well. She asked me if she could come by before I left. I was a bit hesistant but told her it would be alright.

We said our goodbyes as we both turned and walked away from each other. I looked back momentarily at her as I saw her walk away. I took a breath, before turning back around and walking out.

Third Person's POV

Jennie walked off trying to hold her tears in as she didn't dare look back at Lisa, but she stopped and looked back momentarily as she saw her walking off. She sadly sighed, remembering their memories together as she turned back around and walked out.

~Moving Day~

Lisa's POV

"Well, that should be everything," I said to the movers as they carried the rest of my boxes out of my apartment. I had donated everything, as I wouldn't needed any of it anymore.

I finished loading the luggage mostly filled with clothes in my car before looking back one last time at my apartment. I grabbed my spare car keys, and smiled at the memories that I had shared here. More importantly, the memories and love that Jennie and I had shared together.

A part of me would never let that go, for I still loved her. I hesitated before leaving, hoping Jennie would stop by before I left, but she never showed, and I couldn't wait around any longer. I had a long drive ahead to the airport.

I walked out to my car and jumped in. I looked around one last time in search of Jennie, but I didn't see her anywhere. I sighed sadly to myself as I started my car and pulled out of the driveway.

"I'll miss you, Jennie," I said out loud, dealing with my own way of closure of saying goodbye to her for my own peace of mind.

I turned the radio on as the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" played, my own sentiments exactly, as I heard the words repeat over and over again in my head even after the song had ended.

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