Chapter 19

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Lisa's POV

The smell of the roast filled the whole house, for as soon as Jennie walked in she made a comment at house great it smelled. "Mmmm...Lisa, what have you done? That smells wonderful. You shouldn't have. You're not hundred percent yet, and you should have let me cook for you. But I must say the roast smells great." 

Jennie walked in and put her things down and walked over and sat down next to me. "So is there anything left I can do to help with dinner, or have you done it all already?" Jennie said smiling.

"Nope, its all done, about an hour and it will be ready. So you just go get changed and relax before dinner."

"Lisa you shouldn't have. Here I am the one who is suppose to be taking care of you."

"Well I wanted to. You've been taking care of me and have been there for me the past few weeks so I wanted to do something for you. Besides I was bored with the tv and wanted to keep busy, and it helped to keep me busy with that."

"Well thank you for doing this. It's actually nice to come home to a cooked meal. I'm so used to being the one to cook all the time." 

I smiled at Jennie and grabbed her hand. "Well, as long as I am staying here and able enough, you don't have to be the one to cook all the time. Besides I like to cook when I can. I hope you like my cooking anyway, maybe after you taste it you won't want me to be the cook anymore." I said jokingly.

"I'm sure it will be great. If it tastes anything like it smells then I'm sure it will be fine."

"Well why don't you go get changed then? Dinner should be ready soon."

"Alright, you relax now and let me take care of the rest. I'll get the table set and all, okay?"

"Okay, sounds good to me."

"I'll be right back," Jennie said as she went up the stairs to change. 

Jennie came down a few moments later in sweats and a t-shirt but looked really nice and casual at the same time.

It was nearing 5:30pm and the dinner was ready. Jennie and I had been talking about how work and clinic had gone that day for her when the oven's buzzer went off. 

Jennie got the roast out and placed it on the dinner table along with the rest of the food, and gravy as we both sat down and dished up our plates. We both began digging in. 

"Mmmm...this is wonderful Lisa, how come you never told me you were such a great cook? And this gravy is really great. Did you make this yourself?"

"Yep, everything is made from scratch, even my homemade gravy."

"Well you're going to have to give me your recipe," Jennie said as she continued to eat. We both polished off our plates along with seconds.

"Well I am totally satisfied," Jennie said.

"Well we're not done yet."

"What do you mean we're not done yet?"

"Look over there behind the counter. I baked us a cake for dessert."

"Oh Lisa, you shouldn't have. You know you're very bad for my diet," She said smiling, then brought the cake over to the table.

"I'm not sure if I can fit anything more in this stomach of mine, but the cake looks so good that I'll have to try a small piece of it." 

Jennie cut a small piece for the both of us and handed me a slice. We both finished off our slices and decided to retire to the couch to relax after that huge meal. Jennie cleared the table and then joined me on the couch.

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