Chapter 22

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Lisa's POV

I snapped out of my thoughts. I turned to the secretary and asked her if Jennie was around. She told me that Jennie was finishing up with a patient in the clinic and that it would be alright for me to go back there.

So I walked around the corridor and walked into the clinic area. Most of the clinic was deserted, only a few were left finishing up cleaning and heading off to lunch.

I heard Jennie talking to one of the other instructors and said she was heading off to lunch as well. Some of the other students saw me and came up to me and started to chat.

Jennie must have heard me talking with because the next thing I saw was her giving me a puzzled look of 'why and how I was there'.

The other students said goodbye and told me how nice it was to see me again and that if I was okay after the accident.

Jennie waited for them to leave before she approached me. She stood there with her arms folded.

"So, Lisa," she said looking at me up and down, "what is going on here?"

"Umm...hi, Jennie," I said innocently enough.

"Don't 'hi' me all innocently. I can see you got your cast off. Why didn't you tell me you were going to get that done today?"

I paused for a few seconds, "Um...well you see..." I stopped myself to think what I would say, "Jennie, I wanted to tell you about today, but I didn't want to ruin our weekend together. Damn, this is not coming out the way I want it to...." I whispered the last part to myself then pulled Jennie to the side and talked more quietly to her.

"Jennie, Dr. Sou called me last week, and I made the appointment for today. I also went and got my car today..."

Jennie interrupted me, "You drove here by yourself!?"

"Jennie, please lower your voice. Yes, I drove here by myself, I'm quite capable of taking care of myself now and driving. Dr. Sou gave me his approval. But, anyway, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought it was best. We were having such a nice time these past few weeks and this weekend, I didn't want my impending leaving to ruin that."

"What?" Jennie asked shocked. "What do you mean 'leaving'?"

"Jennie, we both know I wouldn't be staying at your place forever, and that I would be leaving as soon as I was well enough, and the fact is, I'm well enough to take care of myself now. I knew with me getting my cast off and being almost completely healed now, that I couldn't keep staying at your house. Besides you have your own family and life to get straightened out, and I can't be there when that takes place. Your kids will be back soon in a few weeks from their grandparent's place, so how would you explain them to me? You know this day would come. I am sorry for not being up front and telling you." I lowered my head and softly spoke. "I guess I was afraid. I'll miss you and miss being around you."

Jennie didn't quite know what to say. She cleared her throat. "I understand why you didn't tell me, I really do. I wish you had told me though, 'cause I would've wanted to be with you when you went to the doctor. And despite you saying that you feel better and capable of driving, I can't say I feel really at ease with that. I just want you to take it easy and not rush things."

"Jen, I understand your concerns, but please, I really am able now. We can't keep making excuses for me to stay at your place. We both know it would never work," I said sadly.

Third Person's POV

Jennie turned away from Lisa trying to hold her tears back. She felt an overwhelming need to just grab Lisa and hold her and never let her go, to tell her that she loved her and didn't want her to leave. But her own fears held her back.

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