Chapter 7

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Lisa's POV

The days went on, I think anyway cause I couldn't tell how much time had passed but I could always sense someone near me and talking to me, and as the days went on I could tell it was Jennie's voice, and now I could hear her say some words. Some of them sounded like out of love, or maybe it was just concern I was hearing. 

I couldn't move, but I could feel someone holding my hand. It felt nice and comforting. I later realized that it was Jennie holding my hand and it made me feel comforted when the blackness engulfed me and the voices became silent again. 

Each time I kept hearing her voice pulling me back out of the darkness. She was telling me to wake up. But how? I am trying. Please don't give up Jennie , keep talking to me. I have to keep trying to focus on your voice, please don't stop talking. 

Blackness again, well maybe she, I can still feel her hand. 

Maybe she's sleeping. Wait...she's crying. 

She's telling me how sorry she is. Oh Jennie I hope you don't think its your fault. It's not. 

Darkness again. 

Damn this darkness, please don't stop talking. Wait...a man's voice. I know that voice too. What's he saying? He's talking to someone...he's talking to Jennie. Leo, yes, it's Leo! 

Oh Leo, you better not be telling her my life story. He's always too open with things. 

Third Person POV

Leo jumped up. "Did you feel that!" he yelled excitedly over at Jennie. 

"What?" Jennie asked.

"I felt her twitch," Leo leaned over the bed. 

"Lisa, this is Leo, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand honey, please do that, keep listening to my voice and try and wake up, okay?" 

Lisa's POV

Yes Leo I can hear you, you dummy. 

Okay I'll try and squeeze your hand. I got to concentrate here. 

"Yes, that's it honey. I felt it again!" Leo screamed out in joy. "She squeezed my hand!" 

Leo was jumping around the room like crazy. 

Jennie was over the bed as well and talked to Lisa. "Hi Lisa, this is Jennie. If you can hear us please try and come back to us."

Now I can hear Jennie's voice, damn they're making too much noise it's hurting my ears. It's getting too loud now. What the hell are they doing...yelling at me? I tried to form the words on my lips...yes it's coming, I can do this. 

"Leoooooo!" I screamed out. "Will you please keep it down!" Wow did I just say that? For the first time I felt like I was in my body. Oh no, this doesn't feel too good. Pain!! Oh God, well I guess I'm alive. 

"Lisa, yes, sweetheart, that's great. I hear you! Can you try and open your eyes for us?" Leo begged.

This was going to be harder than I thought. But suddenly my eyes flung open. It was blurry at first but then the figures around me started to take form. There was Leo on one side of me and Jennie on the other. Yes I could see them now. 

"That's it baby, you can do it!" Leo encouraged me. 

I opened my eyes and smiled up at Leo. "Hi, Leo, I'm glad to see your here. 

I turned my head slowly and groaned with much pain, but I then I saw Jennie and smiled. "Thanks Jennie for being here too." 

"How are you feeling baby?" Leo asked. 

"Like being hit by a truck, but other than that just great!" 

Leo smiled, and looked over at Jennie, "She's going to be just fine Jennie, just fine...I've got my sister back...I've got my sister back!" Leo leaned in and hugged me. I let a little moan. "I'm sorry sis did I hurt you?" 

"Um yes, I feel a lot of pain right now, but I'm glad to be alive Leo. Ask me that in a few days?" I said smiling weakly. 

My body was already tiring out and needed rest. Doctor Sou came in and examined me. 

"You're a real lucky lady Lisa. You gave us quite a scare. We'll give you some pain medication, and that will help some, but you had some major injuries and we had to operate so it will take some time for you to recover. I hope you don't expect to leave soon," the doctor explained to me.

"I'm glad your back with us Lisa, I'll come back and check on you later. You get some rest now, and if the medication wears off just call me or the nurse and we'll fix you right up. Just get better, okay?" the doctor patted me on my shoulder and walked out. 

Leo and Jennie were standing there smiling. I was too tired to talk so I let my body fall back to sleep but I was calm knowing that Jennie and Leo were there with me. They told me to rest and that they would be with me when I wake up, so I gazed at them once more as I slowly drifted off to sleep. The last pair of eyes I set my gaze upon were Jennie's. Such beautiful cat eyes...

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