Chapter 5

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Third Person POV

Jennie approached the door to the intensive ward and pushed the door open. She showed the nurse her pass and the nurse directed her to the room where Lisa was. Jennie hesitated before opening the door to Lisa's room. She tried to gather her strength before entering, but she felt the tears welling up inside of her. 

She walked through the door and saw Lisa lying there on the bed unconscious. Machines were everywhere. IV's all hooked up over her body. Jennie slowly approached the bed. She could hear the monitors monitoring Lisa's heart beat and breathing. Lisa's face was all swollen with cuts and bruises. Bandages covered most of her cuts but they were still evident. 

Jennie felt her tears roll down her face as she gently stroked Lisa's cheek. She tried to hold back her tears but soon she was sobbing into the side of the bed as she held Lisa's hand. For the longest time Jennie sat there holding Lisa's hand. 

It was approaching midnight but she still couldn't find the energy to leave Lisa's side. She had to be there for her when she woke up...if she woke up that is. 

The nurses and doctors would come in every hour or so checking on her, still finding Jennie there at the side of the bed holding Lisa 's hand. The tears would come and go as the night wore on. Jennie continued stroking Lisa's hand, talking to her, praying silently for her recovery all through the night. Jennie desperately tried to stay awake but soon sleep over took her. 

The sunlight from early morning shone through the window. Jennie awoke finding herself still resting on Lisa's bed holding her hand. 

The door suddenly opened.

"Good morning, Mrs. Kim." said doctor Sou walking into the room, "I see you were here all night. Why don't you go home and get some rest? If there are any changes we can give you a call. I'm glad Lisa has a good friend like you here for her. It's good news that she made it through the night, it gives us more hope that her chances of recovery are higher."

"I'd rather stay here Dr. Sou, but you're right. I do need a few hours sleep and a shower. I'll be back in a few hours. Please call me if something changes?" Jennie said as she gathered her things and slowly looked back at Lisa . 

"We will do that, Mrs. Kim," the doctor said and patted Jennie on her back. Then he turned and examined Lisa  as Jennie hesitantly walked out and looked at Lisa one more time.

"I'll be back soon Lisa," Jennie said under her breath. 

She was afraid of leaving Lisa, but she needed to freshen up a little as well and call the school and let them know that she wouldn't be in. After that she would head back to the hospital as soon as she could. She didn't want to be away from Lisa any longer than she had to be. 

A few hours had gone by, and after Jennie rushed to get her things done, she packed a few of her clothes and headed to the hospital. She figured this way she could shower there and wouldn't have to leave Lisa's side then. 

Jennie arrived at the hospital to find Lisa in the same condition. She still hadn't awoken from the accident and the doctors were hoping by now that Lisa would be coming out of her unconsciousness. Jennie put her things down and sat beside the bed and held Lisa's hand as she had done the night before. 

"Lisa , you need to wake up. Please, do this for yourself. There are so many people here that want to see you get better. And I'm one of them," Jennie whispered to Lisa as she sat beside the bed. 

Jennie continued to talk to Lisa encouraging her to wake up. She talked about the past few days reliving those memories. She  began to share her feelings with Lisa and tell her how much she means to her. 

Jennie began to cry. "Lisa, I can't tell you how sorry I am for the things I had said to you the other day. You were right in everything you had said. Our kiss did mean so much to mean so much to me. I'm so scared Lisa. I'm scared of losing you, and I'm scared of facing you and facing these feelings I have for you. I don't know how to handle these new feelings. I haven't felt this way for another woman before. It's so new to me. But right now, please hang in there, please wake up for me, for yourself, that is all I ask for right now...just please wake up and get better." 

Jennie reached up and stroked Lisa's hair and looked at her bruised face, but even then to her she was beautiful. Jennie leaned in and slightly kissed Lisa on her lips and sat back down next to the bed. 

The night drew on, and Jennie still sat there talking and holding Lisa's hand and crying and praying. Jennie rested her head on the bed as sleep over took her. 

The door opened and a young man in his 30's walked in. He saw Jennie asleep with her head rested on the side of the bed. He noticed a bag of clothing and personal items next to the bed as well. He hated to wake this woman up and interrupt what seemed an intimate moment but he needed to see his sister. 

He cleared his throat and made a noise to alert Jennie that someone was in the room. Jennie looked up and saw this man. 

"Hi, excuse me, I'm sorry for waking you up. I'm Leo Manoban, Lisa's brother. Are you a friend or girlfriend of Lisa's?" 

"No, I'm Lisa's friend. Well actually I'm her instructor at school but I guess I would like to consider myself her friend as well," Jennie replied nervously to Lisa's brother. 

Leo could tell that there was more than friendship there, and that there were feelings this woman held for his sister but he decided to not make her feel uncomfortable and didn't bring up any questions with that. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. My sister has always been open with me about her being gay the past few years and I just assumed when I saw you...anyway I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply anything."

After a short and awkward pause, he asked, "How is she doing? I got here as soon as I could. I was away on a job when the hospital tried calling me. I'm so glad that you were here for her though. I'd hate to think that she'd been here alone all this time. I'm her only family now after our grandparents died a few years ago. It's really tough at times for the both of us. Our parents died when we were young..." Leo sighed and quickly added, "but anyway, enough of my life story here. I guess I can get carried away at times," Leo smiled at Jennie. 

"So has she woke up at all yet?" Leo asked as he looked at his sister and stroked her face. 

"No, I've been here a few days now and she's still unconscious. The doctors aren't sure anymore about her recovery. They say the longer she stays unconscious the more grim it looks for her chances," Jennie sadly replied then looked at Leo, "I'll step out for a while so you can have some time alone with your sister." 

"No, that's alright. What did you say your name was?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't say. My name is Jennie Kim." 

"Well, Jennie, please stay. I think the more support my sister has here the better. Besides it makes me feel better knowing that you are here for her. I'm not sure how long I can stay since I left in the middle of my duty and unfortunately with the military nothing is an emergency for them, but I had to come and see how she was doing. She's the only family I have left so we have to stick together," Leo said smiling. "Plus I think my sister would like you here as well." 

Jennie smiled. "Alright, I'll stay. But if I impose on your time alone with your sister then let me know, okay? I think all we can really do right now is pray," Jennie said somberly. 

Leo sat down next to Lisa. "Lisa, I'm here. It's Leo, your brother. Please wake up, okay, Lisa? I need you, your friends need you. Please if you can hear my voice, please don't give up, and come back to us. It's not your time sis. You still got so much to live for. Mom and dad would be so proud with what you've done so far. I know they would, cause I'm proud of you. I'm here for you sis so don't be leaving me now, okay? I love you sis..." tears began to form in Leo's eyes as he talked to his sister. 

Jennie felt a little uncomfortable as her chest tightened because of the scene. As she was about to leave the room, Leo turned to her and asked her once again to stay. He told Jennie he was going to get some coffee and asked her if she would like some. Jennie was a little tired from being there all day and some coffee would be nice so she agreed. 

Leo went to get coffee, and Jennie stayed behind waiting. Her gaze focused on Lisa once again, wishing that she could see those beautiful doe eyes staring back at her.

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