Chapter 29 - At Bay

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My breath was laboured, heart beating, legs burning. The cold biting at my parched lips, pummels of frosty air trailing in my wake. I could hear them, smell them almost taste them. There was no escaping there presence, no rest from there thirst. They where always there, like a toothache gnawing at your nervous. I was beginning to realise what my life had become... a constant race, forever running, sleeping when you could and eating if possible.

I missed Seth, oh how missed his warm hugs, feeling his chest rhythmically rise and fall as he slept... his lips. Hell I missed the Twins, any conversation was better then the one word answers I would get off of Knuckles and Will.

It had been a day since the incident at the hall, we had barely survived the night, hiding out in one of the houses. But once again I was running for my pointless live. The infected...

Releasing my pistol from its holster I turned my head just in time to see the nearest monster make a grab for me, punching a whole in its stomach as its fingers brushed my charred jacket. It fell back with a yelp, regaining its momentum rapidly. I was a terrible shot.

There was at least three of them on me, keeping good pace. I wasn't going to last much longer though, I could already feel myself slowing down, my legs seizing up. Not to mention I probably just attracted more.

Who's idea was it to split up anyway. Head for the dock they said, safer on a boat they said. Yeah, got to get there first which involves running through the middle of town. My favourite pass time these days.

Eying the crowed houses I looked for an alleyway, I could slip into one and loose them. Spotting one at the end of the pathway, I didn't bother slowing down, bouncing off the wall with a grunt before speeding down the narrow gap, the infected hot on my heals.

Come on! I debated shooting them but I decided against making pointless noise. If one of those things start running the opposite way I would be trapped.

Falling back into the street, I began sprinting down the cobbled hill, gaining more speed. At this point I was gasping for breath, my lungs burning but I knew I had to go on, the pain all too familiar. I could feel a headache coming along, my vision blurring.

I spotted the lake through the buildings, much larger then the one back at Camp but just as magnificent, I really hoped the two guys had already arrived. Not far to go, just keep going Eve, come on you can do this.

Rounding the bend I nearly fell over my own feet avoiding a dead carcass, the road stained brown with blood. It smelt worse then the guys behind me! Speaking of which... I glanced in the shop windows noticing the reflection of my predictors practically running alongside me, my ears had betraying me. I couldn't physically run any faster, even if I tried and I did! I could see the one I had shot earlier out of the corner of my eye, reaching out once again to grab me. I scarcely avoided it, veering to the left but I knew it was only a matter of time.

I was beginning to see the masts of the ships now, anchored in the dock, the lagoon jumping into site. Where on the earth were Will and Knuckles! It took everything I had to maintain the speed the was going, cold sweat dripping down my forehead. Screw this I'm using my pistol.

Awkwardly I attempted to shoot the legs of the infected, missing drastically, the gap between me and 'it' closing once again.


Looking up I noticed Seth... No Knuckles running along the dock decking towards me, my eyes were playing tricks on me. No defiantly Knuckles, relief flooded through my body keeping me going for the last couple of steps before I caught my foot on a loose board. I felt my face hit the floor first, my vision blacking out as the large figure resembling Knuckles blundered past.


"Eve...wake up!" I could feel someone shaking me back to reality, my head throbbing.

I groaned, too tired to reply.

"Drink this."One of them shove a bottle into my hand, a smile playing in his voice. "This will wake you up."

With out thinking I quickly gulped down a mouthful instantaneously spitting it back out, my throat on fire. "VODKA!" They both burst out laughing, there faces coming into focus. "Are you kidding me!"

"Woke you up didn't it?"

In all fairness it had done but still, my mouth tasted horrible. "Got anything to wash the taste out my mouth?"

"More vodka? Narh I kid, we got water... catch!"

Thumbing with the bottle I doubled checked that it was in fact water before emptying it. I still had the bitter taste of alcohol in my mouth but at least my headache was calming down. "What I miss?"

"You haven't been out for long, you where lucky we where close. You okay?"

"Thanks Knuckles, yeah I'm fine."

"Good, we'll meet you on deck when your ready." And with that they both got up and left.

On deck? Oh, it took me a second to realise that I was on a boat, feeling the room rock beneath me. I was in dinky cabin propped up on a narrow bed, the walls covered in an assortment of sea related decor. I could feel a gentle breeze tickling my neck, originating from the small porthole behind me. Everything seemed so calm and gentle but inside I was tense, images of the infected engraved into my mind. What was happening to me!

Rising to my feet I timidly made my way out of the room, my legs sore craving rest, once again drained of all energy.

Pulling myself up a few steps I arose into the setting sun taking in the view. The deck was small, a single mast planted directly between the prow and cabin casting a long shadow across the stairwell. I could hear the gentle slosh of water caressing the belly of the boat, rocking it like you would a baby's cot.

My eyes where soon drawn to the dimly lit outline of the two strangers leaning against the railing gazing out at onto the simmering lagoon. I eventually joined them, taking my place next to Will. No words where exchanged, non-where needed.

I missed Seth.

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