Chapter 39 - From Bellow

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"Todays been a great day!" Shouted Eleanor, the stronger one of the twins. I was finally able to tell the difference between the two.

"Could do with an ice cold beer though,"Elliot added, Lydia in his arms.

"Hay they gave use marshmallows, I'm not complaining," I continued, bringing mine out of the flames for a quick taste.

"Better then any of those 'sweets' they keep giving use."

"Back to work tomorrow though, felling trees and running laps."

"Oh come on Jamie you know how to put a dampener on the mood, lighten up! You want my marshmallow?"

"Don't you want it Sophie?"

"I'll have it, I'll have it!"

"No way, you two ate like half the packet."

"Yeah, and you butchered most of them!"

"We like them crispy," Isabella mumbled.

I chuckled to myself, lying back against the cool grass starring into space. The conversation soon became background noise, there laughter music, as I turned my attention to the infinite cosmos. I watched in ore as the night sky come into full bloom. The stars dancing in the heavens, performing elegant plays that were never to be seen again. I felt so small, so insignificant against the orchestra above me, and yet I could not drag my eyes away from natures bosom.

I wished nothing more then to lye here forever forgetting my troubles, forgetting this cruel world, but it would soon be curfew, and reality was calling me.

"Earth to Seth, do you copy!"

"What do you want?" I grumbled, snapping out of trance to face Sophie.

"You nod off?"

"No, I was sky diving."

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, we're going in for an early night."

"What time is it?"

"8:30 I think, come on, up you get!"

She helped me to my feat, following me into the tent. Everyone else was already settling down in the organised mess, saying there goodnights. I took my place next to David and Sophie (Meredith, Eve's replacement, haven swapped with her). "Night Sophie," I whispered, pulling my sleep bag up around myself.

"Good night Seth," she mumbled.

"Seth... Seth... SETH!"

Shooting awake, I almost head-butted Sophie, her frightened face dimly lit by moon light.

"What?" I asked gruffly.

"There's... there's something outside."

Suddenly alert, I noticed just about everyone else awake staring at the exit, a low rattily growl seeping in through the flaps.

"What is that?" I whispered, but something told me I already knew. It can't be, not here! My head felt heavy, my heart racing.

David, the closest to the front, creeped forward, edging his way to the entrance.

"David don't!" I hissed.

"It's probably just a..."

A scream cut him off, tearing through the field before another joined in, and another, and another. Before we could even react the silhouette of whatever was out there rushed forwards, and David was gone, his cry cutting out in seconds, a blood thirsty howl replacing it.

"NOOO!" Some one shrieked, the world suddenly feeling very distance and surreal as are tent disappearing around use.
And there it stood, in all its horror, rising to at least 6ft gray skin clothing it. From its mouth fell what could only be described as teethed projections, blood... Davids blooding dripping from its end.

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